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Forums - Sony Discussion - [Rumor][Unseen64] The Uncharted Collection is real, says the dude that broke the Nintendo/Harry Potter story

This was expected.

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I wish. Honestly that does make up for the delay. And I hope the first Uncharted uses a lot of assets from the sequels.

What is these port-collections without all the games. I own Uncharted 1-3, i want to play Golden Abyss and i really don't want to buy a Vita for one game

Hopefully the games will be fully remade instead of just being 1080p 60FPS ports so that they all look and play like proper PS4 games

It will definitely be all 3 games in simple 1080p 60FPS

Expected I suppose. It'll be a day one buy for me as it is one of my favorite game franchise.

"Yes sir, I need a weapon."

Jay W

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if its to make up for the delay then i think its going to be a rush job

If this is real I'd expect it to be the first multi blu ray release for either the PS3 and PS4. No way can they fit the trilogy on one disc. It'd be pretty much impossible. I'm almost sure that U1, U2 and U3 on the PS3 weighed in at almost 90gb in total, and thats on the PS3.

Unless of course they had some compression going on and the game "unzipped" as it were from disc to hard drive.  I suppose thats a possibility.  But even still, seems a hell of a lot of imformation to put on a disc.

PREDICTIONS FOR END OF 2015: (Made Jan 1st 2015)

PS4 - 34M - XB1 - 21m - WII U -12M

Three more PS3 games down. Only 100 more and I can sell my slim PS3.

poklane said:

Hopefully the games will be fully remade instead of just being 1080p 60FPS ports so that they all look and play like proper PS4 games

It will definitely be all 3 games in simple 1080p 60FPS

The collection has probably not even been in development for a year if this is true, so no way are those true remakes especially since it's most likely not ND making the collection, just hope they can avoid a MCC situation or just concentrate on one multiplayer.

Very expected if true, but I hope this isnt going to be their big holiday title. Please no.

Releasing around September or October would be ideal.

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