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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Witcher 3 - Out Now! Impressions?

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Excellent! 254 42.62%
Great! 71 11.91%
Good 32 5.37%
It's OK 32 5.37%
Eh... 13 2.18%
No thanks 20 3.36%
Get this thing out of here! 7 1.17%
See results 164 27.52%

Just played till the point where they are training with Ciri and the others. PC version looks amazing.

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Just finished Dragon Age: Witcher 3 very similar in scope/style/gameplay?

I know I'll buy it eventually, but maybe not to play right after I've finished another similar-seeming epic RPG.

Didn't really get into the second one (Xbox 360) so I'm waiting on buying this. It looks so good, though. Good word of mouth might convince me to part with some cash.

Don't have it yet, like Mummelmann I was going to be building a new system just for the game but now my purchase will be reserved for a later date since I'm not exactly thrilled with the output of the game/benchmarks, I'm still going to build my new system hopefully by the start/mid of June and I might grab W3 by July if not late Oct after I've had my fill with MGSV, I'm in no rush to play this game anymore tbh.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Are you also using nvidia hair works?

No. Im using Geforce Experience presets for my GTX 970. Since everythings running at 60fps Im not gonna change the settings:



AA - On

Bloom - On

Cutscene DOF - Off

DOF - Off

Detail - Ultra

Foliage Visibility - High

Grass Density - High

Shadow Quality - High

Terrain Quality - Ultra

Texture Quality - High

Water Quality - Ultra

Light Shafts - On

Number of Backhground Characters - High

Hairworks - Off

I predict that the Wii U will sell a total of 18 million units in its lifetime. 

The NX will be a 900p machine

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I put in 6 hours on Xbox One last night. My first impression is that game was well worth the wait. Loving it.

I set the game on hard difficulty (Blood and Broken Bones). This mode add so much to the game, since your health doesn't regenerate over time. An apple in the game is 5 gold and will regenerate your health for only 5second which amount to less then 10% of total health. I was enjoying having to scavenge around for stuff to sell just so I could afford food.

Keza is spot on! After playing for 6 hours all her subjection make perfect sense.

Witcher 3 is a must buy in my books.

yvanjean said:
I put in 6 hours on Xbox One last night. My first impression is that game was well worth the wait. Loving it.

I set the game on hard difficulty (Blood and Broken Bones). This mode add so much to the game, since your health doesn't regenerate over time. An apple in the game is 5 gold and will regenerate your health for only 5second which amount to less then 10% of total health. I was enjoying having to scavenge around for stuff to sell just so I could afford food.

Keza is spot on! After playing for 6 hours all her subjection make perfect sense.

Witcher 3 is a must buy in my books.

That list of things to do were most definitely what I was expecting, but thanks for the advice. I'll bear it in mind.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Played about 2 hours on PS4. The graphics are really good, but there are some serious issues in some cutscenes. The game itself is rather fun, although I didn't understand all mechanics until now. The only problem I have so far are the controls. I don't know what exactly it is, but it just feels somewhat awkward to move around. I'm pretty certain I can optimize that with all the settings you get, but I didn't look too much into it.

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.

Conegamer said:
StokedUp said:
2 more hours at work and my 10 hour shift is over and the witcher is waiting at home! So hyped! Never played the other two but reading through the novels and they're so epic! Can't wait to see the places in the books on the game!

The books? I was unaware that there were books! Glad you are enjoying them though; no doubt makes the wait even more difficult knowing what's to come.

the games are based on the books

OdinHades said:
Played about 2 hours on PS4. The graphics are really good, but there are some serious issues in some cutscenes. The game itself is rather fun, although I didn't understand all mechanics until now. The only problem I have so far are the controls. I don't know what exactly it is, but it just feels somewhat awkward to move around. I'm pretty certain I can optimize that with all the settings you get, but I didn't look too much into it.

i was told itsa bug from the first patch. it happens  on all  platforms. did u go through the full tutorial?