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Forums - Sony Discussion - Another DDOS attack, psn down :(

glad I am currently playing FFX/X2 so this affects me very little.

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.

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I was just on PSN a few minutes ago...

Thanks for the update. Was wondering why it asked me to make up a new password. I guess that's why.

These bitches are getting on my nerves. Just cut it out already.

It'll be awhile before I figure out how to do one of these. :P 

It's been back up for me about hour now.

Seems as though xbox 360 owners are having trouble too...

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super6646 said:

Thank god xbox live isn't down! Right guys! Right? Right... *PS4 owners give me a dead stare face...

Xbox Live has had more issues than PSN this year. There is a thread every week on the xbox one subreddit with people complaining of problems. So I wouldn't be too cocky

Oh that's why my PS Store went down last night, it's back up now.

ugh....seems to be down again, or atleast my vita won't connect

It only affected my PS3. The gf was mad about no netflix. The PS4 worked the whole time and I even got a message saying they were working on network maintenance.