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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Witcher 3 Leaked on Torrent Sites; CD Projekt RED is Asking Pirates for Their Support

PC market is just full of scum.

All devs should hold of on a pc release for at least half a year. If not just ignore it all together.

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It's all about ethics. I have nothing against dlc, but i hate when they are annouced before the game release. The Old Blood, First Light, Left Behind are good dlc, and i don't mind paying for them. 16 free ''dlc's'' is a stupid idea too. These days the way it is handled often is, to just drops random stuff into the game which changes the pacing and flow of the game. It often ruins the original tightly designed and well tested flow of the game even if the DLC is good content. This is why i only appreciate stand-alone expansions.

Still salty about the downgrade tho.

This is why you should delay the PC version of any game.

Do people really believe that delaying the PC version will lead to more sales? If people were pirating it on PC instead of buying it on Xbox or Playstation; they very likely intended to get it on consoles and a delay would only cause more people to pirate.
We don't need yet another developer forgetting their roots and which gamers made them who they are today, there's been enough of that.

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Mummelmann said:
Do people really believe that delaying the PC version will lead to more sales? 

Yes. And not just any people. It's why PC versions of most games do not get a simultaneous release.

Fucking pirates.

Gotta figure out how to set these up lol.

LurkerJ said:
Mummelmann said:
Do people really believe that delaying the PC version will lead to more sales? 

Yes. And not just any people. It's why PC versions of most games do not get a simultaneous release.

What is the logic behind this? That more people will buy it for console if it isn't available on PC? I don't even own a PS4 or One and since GOG is a major deal for CDProjekt, and a PC and Mac only venture at that, they would shooting themselves heavily in the foot by alienating PC gamers.

I hope he didn't just shoot himself in the foot by announcing the game for $32.
More disappointment when the real price is $54, while the pirate version is freely available...
It's $60 for PC in Canada and $70 PS4/XBox One btw.

I'll get the ps4 version although I'll be paying over twice as much as the developer just advertised it at...

Edit: It's $42.30 digital pre-order on (normally $47), bit closer to $32

Hell,i could not develop a video game and have people pirate it and me keep cool about it. Screw that, they have nothing to gain by catering to thieves. If the game is a success on consoles they should consider releasing their next game on consoles and then release it on PC a year later..

This is why PC gamers cant have good shit.