So for those hoping for a 3 map rotation or voice chat, Splatoon devs gave an interview and pretty much said "you got it all twisted"
"A few hours ago, Game Informer published a new interview with Splatoon co-director Yusuke Amano and producer Hisashi Nogami. The developers talked about things like the single-player campaign, why it wouldn’t work well on 3DS, and no plans for voice chat or paid DLC":
"On the possibility of updates with features that aren’t necessarily new gear or maps"…
"With map rotation, this is something that we envisioned from the beginning of development of the game. The idea that players would have two maps on which to play and you would take one weapon into the map and figure out the best way to move about the map and learn the ins and outs of each stage. We don’t have any immediate plans to change that. Thinking forward, this is something that would really affect the structure of the game".
"On any plans to implement a voice chat option"...
"Voice chat and the decision to not include it was something that we definitely debated quite frequently during development in multiple discussions with the marketing team, and was quite a hot topic. However, eventually we decided not to include it."
"We believed that the players would find ways to communicate using the mechanics of the game that wouldn’t require voice chat. To try and put voice chat into a game when it hadn’t been included from the start would require some sort of large scale overhaul and take time to implement, and that was something that we wanted to avoid in getting that functionality – that ability to play with friends in a timely fashion. But furthermore, we also figured players had become accustomed to playing Splatoon without voice chat so far".