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Maybe a poor launch for some besides Zelda, but for me, since the support I want the most for Nintendo are indies, launch day is gonna be quite a blast for me, SK, Fast Racing, World of Goo, etc. I'll have plenty to play for a decent while on the Switch besides Zelda...after I put at least 100 hours doing silly stuff on BotW anyways

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Nuvendil said:
curl-6 said:

I don't mean to be a negative nancy, but is it just me or is Switch's launch lineup, outside of Zelda, incredibly poor?

Sure, we're all hyped for Breath of the Wild, but everything else seems to be either indies or shovelware.

I mean, I wouldn't care if there were ports of months old multiplats so their absence doesn't even bother me :P .  

So for me it's exclusives. And Zelda trumps, say, Killzone Shadowfall and Knack singlehandedly, crossgen or not.  1, 2, Switch doesn't interest me but eh, it's fine that it's there.  FAST being indie doesn’t mean jack to me, it's high quality and substantial.  Shovel Knight Treasure Trove is quite good too.  If thpse two were physical on Switch at launch I would be even more excited.  And I understand not wanting to stack the games at the launch date when it is March 3.  If this were November, yeah, I would be more expectant of more 3rd parties and also more of these launch window games showing up in the first month rather than stretched across 3.

I think they should have done boxed releases for FAST RMX and Shovel Knight, just so the shelves don't look so bare. It's just not a good look when besides Zelda the only retail releases are stuff like Just Dance, 1-2 Switch, Skylanders.

It's much better than the 3DS Launch?

Pocky Lover Boy! 

ARamdomGamer said:
Maybe a poor launch for some besides Zelda, but for me, since the support I want the most for Nintendo are indies, launch day is gonna be quite a blast for me, SK, Fast Racing, World of Goo, etc. I'll have plenty to play for a decent while on the Switch besides Zelda...after I put at least 100 hours doing silly stuff on BotW anyways

World of Goo is a launch title? What a pleasant surprise. Never had the opportunity of playing it!

curl-6 said:
Nuvendil said:

I mean, I wouldn't care if there were ports of months old multiplats so their absence doesn't even bother me :P .  

So for me it's exclusives. And Zelda trumps, say, Killzone Shadowfall and Knack singlehandedly, crossgen or not.  1, 2, Switch doesn't interest me but eh, it's fine that it's there.  FAST being indie doesn’t mean jack to me, it's high quality and substantial.  Shovel Knight Treasure Trove is quite good too.  If thpse two were physical on Switch at launch I would be even more excited.  And I understand not wanting to stack the games at the launch date when it is March 3.  If this were November, yeah, I would be more expectant of more 3rd parties and also more of these launch window games showing up in the first month rather than stretched across 3.

I think they should have done boxed releases for FAST RMX and Shovel Knight, just so the shelves don't look so bare. It's just not a good look when besides Zelda the only retail releases are stuff like Just Dance, 1-2 Switch, Skylanders.

I honestly think it would be in Nintendo's best interest to have physical releases of as many substantial games as possible.  Having the only physical version (in the west) of I Am Setsuna would make it a far more noteworthy release.  Same thing if Sonic Mania was physical.  Snake Pass is another one.  And imo Nintendo should do whatever it takes to have Yooka Laylee physical simultaneously with Xbone and PS4.  With physical games actually playing off the physical media for Switch physical purchases have more incentive than on any other current gen platform.

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People are saying the joy-cons do not work. So, I am out.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

What worries me most is that after Zelda, it looks like there'll be a 3-month drought with no major new releases until ARMS in late May, and that's an unproven IP to boot.

Wii U's post-launch drought absolutely murdered its momentum, I fear the same will happen to Switch.

WagnerPaiva said:
People are saying the joy-cons do not work. So, I am out.

Not all the people, not all the joy-cons, and we don't even know if it's an easy fixable problem, with a day one update. Jesus, internet is full of overreaction. I'm worried, but let's wait for an official Nintendo statement about the issue.

Volterra_90 said:

World of Goo is a launch title? What a pleasant surprise. Never had the opportunity of playing it!

Yea, all 3 games from that studio I don't remember the name right now, World of Goo, Human Resource Machine and Little Inferno are launch titles.

Volterra_90 said:

World of Goo is a launch title? What a pleasant surprise. Never had the opportunity of playing it!

Yea, all 3 games from that studio I don't remember the name right now, World of Goo, Human Resource Machine and Little Inferno are launch titles.