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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Official Witcher 3 review thread, 93 meta on PS4, 93 on PC, 91 on XB1 [Mod Approved]


Will you be buying Witcher 3?

Day 1 156 58.87%
On sale 38 14.34%
After the Enhanced/GOTY edition releases 44 16.60%
No 24 9.06%
StokedUp said:
Hello forumites! I know this is a review thread but I've got a couple of questions about the witcher. I'm going to be buying the TW3 but I've never actually played the others due to only owning playstations. I just wanted to what's the main story, are all three connected with one big story arc and what is it. I've read the summaries of the first two on their wiki but it seems while the characters, world and events all remain in both of them, there isnt one big story line connecting them together (well that's what it seemed to me)
Also I'm thinking of reading the books to get a better back story aswell of the game, would this ruin anything in the game for me? And does anybody know the chronological order of the books so I can read them in order?


i think they are all connected. however, they explain the story of 1 and 2 in the begining of 3. 

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Reviews are coming in now guys


off to a very strong start

Are they coming in? Okey, I'd say 94. This game looks massive!

The hype is real. Game of the generation (till now). I expect 94 meta now.

Around the Network

Gamerankings: 90% for now, haven't look at metacritic.

91 on metacritic, 9 reviews.

Some pretty excellent early reviews in so far. Great to see! :)

GameSpot with a 10/10? Just more proof that they hate Nintendo.

It's safe to say we have another must have in our hands.