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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Official Witcher 3 review thread, 93 meta on PS4, 93 on PC, 91 on XB1 [Mod Approved]


Will you be buying Witcher 3?

Day 1 156 58.87%
On sale 38 14.34%
After the Enhanced/GOTY edition releases 44 16.60%
No 24 9.06%
shikamaru317 said:
generic-user-1 said:
84. the gameplay will be offputting to many reviewers(it seems they stayed true to the original formula)

From what IGN said, the combat is improved from Witcher 2. And Witcher 2 got an 88 meta.

From the first 15 minute video IGN showed, it showed how HORRIBLE the person was at combat.  

Heck even ChristopherOdd comments how the guy was basically a newb, and I've seen his entire lets play (the first one) and ChristopherOdd is not the best at combat either.   So for him to dissing someone else says something about that IGN'er.

ChristopherOdd is not bad, just way to passive, run away, quen for my liking.  I barely used Quen at all in my playthrough's.  I think only time I did really was int he prologue when you first come up against like 6 guys to open the gate.  Your pathetic skill wise and all that, that its pretty tricky at that time.

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My prediction will be for the system with the most reviews on Metacritic; and honestly I'm not sure which one it will be. I'm thinking 90-92

#1 Amb-ass-ador

I predict high 80s or low 90s. It looks good!


Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

You should choose one platform and stick to it. Most of the time the difference in score is due to total reviews than one version being better than the other. My prediction is 93.

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Well, this looks like a +90

I'm going to say 90 or above. The 19th can't come soon enough.

I believe 88 or so. First reviews will be praising the game and won't be criticizing its faults, as usual with big/quality games (expect seeing lots of :"it's flawless omg! 10!").

But the later reviews will be much more fair and will give more reasonable scores (80~90). I mean, the games has obvious faults that I see no one pointing thanks to the hype, so... I think it'll go this way.

Bet with Teeqoz for 2 weeks of avatar and sig control that Super Mario Odyssey would ship more than 7m on its first 2 months. The game shipped 9.07m, so I won

Hello forumites! I know this is a review thread but I've got a couple of questions about the witcher. I'm going to be buying the TW3 but I've never actually played the others due to only owning playstations. I just wanted to what's the main story, are all three connected with one big story arc and what is it. I've read the summaries of the first two on their wiki but it seems while the characters, world and events all remain in both of them, there isnt one big story line connecting them together (well that's what it seemed to me)
Also I'm thinking of reading the books to get a better back story aswell of the game, would this ruin anything in the game for me? And does anybody know the chronological order of the books so I can read them in order?


PSN ID: Stokesy 

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94... im hoping as much.