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shikamaru317 said:
generic-user-1 said:
84. the gameplay will be offputting to many reviewers(it seems they stayed true to the original formula)

From what IGN said, the combat is improved from Witcher 2. And Witcher 2 got an 88 meta.

From the first 15 minute video IGN showed, it showed how HORRIBLE the person was at combat.  

Heck even ChristopherOdd comments how the guy was basically a newb, and I've seen his entire lets play (the first one) and ChristopherOdd is not the best at combat either.   So for him to dissing someone else says something about that IGN'er.

ChristopherOdd is not bad, just way to passive, run away, quen for my liking.  I barely used Quen at all in my playthrough's.  I think only time I did really was int he prologue when you first come up against like 6 guys to open the gate.  Your pathetic skill wise and all that, that its pretty tricky at that time.