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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Will Mario Kart 8 have a better attach rate than Wii Sports? And Super Mario Bros?

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Will Mario Kart 8 have a better attach rate than Wii Sports?

Yes. Low userbase shall make it possible. 3 11.11%
No. Wii Sports is just too big. 23 85.19%
Results. 1 3.70%

No way. It's attach rate is incredible but Wii Sports was bundled with most systems, so it isn't a fair fight.

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Not even if from now on every Wii U is bundled with it. Do the math.

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Probably not.

"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."

So people seem to think MK8 won't get close to the 80% attach ratio of Wii Sports. Okay, fair enough, 80% is a monumental number to beat, even with an small userbase. Maybe something less big? Will Mario Kart 8 have a better attach rate than Super Mario Bros for the NES?

Mario Kart 8 (WiiU) 5.11m copies sold 9.55m userbase 53,75% aprox
Super Mario Bros (NES) 40,24m copies sold 61,91m userbase 65% aprox.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

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I don't think it'll surpass either attach rate.

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Probably not since 80% is already crazy high

For 65%, there's a better chance..

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Doubt it will beat either, deffinetly won't beat Wii sports lol.

If Hardware sales stay at the same pace then the attach rate is going to go up. But it has absolutely 0% chance of ever reaching 80% unless they bundle it with every Wii U from here on it.

65% is quite possible though, but still very difficult.

I can see +60% attach rate, maaaaaaaaaaaybe can beat Super Mario Bros, but not Wii Sport.

MK8 in my opinion has no chance is reaching 80% attach rate despite its crazy attack rate on a small userbase, but 65% could be possible if it outpaces sales of the hardware itself.


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