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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Safe to say the WiiU is worst selling Nintendo home console of all time.

mountaindewslave said:
SubiyaCryolite said:
The system has sold terribly but Nintendo can fall back on Amiibos and games to break even. Its a shame really, can you imagine all the money Nintendo would have made off Amiibo if the system was selling better. I just hope that they roll out NX and their next console with a better strategy and appropriate pricing.

price wasn't the problem, marketing and the design were. the tablet controller is absurd and the name was a terrible idea as many casual gamers LOVED the Wiii's motions controls and were undoubtedly disappointed / confused when they found out that the Wii U, the successor of the Wii supposedly, had nothing to do with the prior system

nothing to do with the prior system is false. Its completly backward compatible and uses the motion controls

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oniyide said:
Samus Aran said:

The average Wii U owner buys 4.91 games while the average PS4 owner buys 4.51 games. Granted, these numbers may not be too reliable (it's vgchartz after all). Buying a game in large numbers doesn't really change the fact that they bought more games on average.

Wii U isn't doing that poorly if you compare its million sellers with the Vita library. The Wii U's problem is not games, but the small userbase itself. As for the reason why the Wii U isn't selling better... Well, there isn't one reason, there are many. Poor marketing, bad name, underpowered hardware, price, lack of third party support, etc.

the fact that you have to compare it to Vita shows just how poorly it is really doing. And it still hasnt passed the Vita yet in HW sold which is the big thing anyway and something people swore was supposed to happen two holidays ago. Oh I know its multiple reasons, anyone with sense knows that.

You said Wii U owners don't buy games yet there are more one million sellers on the Wii U than on the Vita despite the Wii U having sold less. Kind of defeats the point of your whole argument.

Skullwaker said:
padib said:
When NSMBU released, Miyamoto went on record to say that Nintendo was not ready for the HD development times and that was the reason for the delays in software launches which has plagued the U even to this day. A handful of games won't change that.


Oh, so you're talking about why they hadn't become accustomed to it before Wii U's launch?

Well, why weren't developers ready for the PS3 and 360 when they were developing for the PS2, GCN and Xbox? It's really the same situation. I'm not saying Nintendo gets a free pass (because really, they should have been way more prepared) but they're only 1 company consistently splitting their development efforts between two platforms (one of which they support almost singlehandedly), so I can see why they were behind the curve.

Sony says hi and they didnt have the issues Wii u have with the PS3 or 4 or

Samus Aran said:
oniyide said:

the fact that you have to compare it to Vita shows just how poorly it is really doing. And it still hasnt passed the Vita yet in HW sold which is the big thing anyway and something people swore was supposed to happen two holidays ago. Oh I know its multiple reasons, anyone with sense knows that.

You said Wii U owners don't buy games yet there are more one million sellers on the Wii U than on the Vita despite the Wii U having sold less. Kind of defeats the point of your whole argument.

never said Wii U owners didnt buy games. You are ignoring my point. Whether they sell more software than Vita is irrelevant to the point of the thread since we are talking about HW here, which is where Wii U is still behind Vita and just about everyone else.

oniyide said:
Sony says hi and they didnt have the issues Wii u have with the PS3 or 4 or


Did you not see early PS3 games?

Sony doesn't support the PS3 anymore, third parties do. And Sony certainly doesn't support the Vita. They're only focusing on the PS4 right now.

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padib said:
KLXVER said:

How could they be prepared? I dont think making games for the PS3, 360 or PC was an option...

Ask yourself how they did it with the Wii, and you will see that they built a strong library by the time the Wii came out. They could have prepared more games before launching the U while continuing to support the Wii. That was their mistake.

I think that, bottom line, they were caught between a rock and a hard place. Launch the U early and get a head start, or launch it late and 1) face strong MSony competition and 2) see a possible crash in Wii sales during support period and losing money.

They chose option 1 and it backfired, they didn't have nearly enough games, the system was not ready, the gamble did not pay off.

Well thats because they have to support the thing pretty much by themselves. They still had more games in the first year than Sony and MS and they had a 6-7 year head start...

Samus Aran said:
oniyide said:

My aunt got a Wii and got Wii Fit and literally nothing else. See we could do this all day. Problem with that is its anecdotal so does really provide much if any evidence, what does is numbers and software numbers heavily favor PS4, to a lesser extent ONE and not so much Wii U

Wii U has a higher software attach ratio than the PS4 and xbone.

Attach rates grow the longer a system is on the market, the Wii U is 1 year older so people had more time to buy games, just look at the Wii Us attach rate at the same time last year (3.89) it is lower than both the PS4 and X1s now.

KLXVER said:
DerNebel said:

Cause it's clear as day that the games, or much more the lack of games, are a major reason for the Wii Us performance.

The WiiU has just as many games as the PS4 and XB1. It just doesnt have as many M rated games. I think we could use more games like Nintendo has and less AC, COD and GTA like games...


Ill give you the plot to every popular game these days:

Your world is shitty and you have to murder thousands of people to make it slightly less shitty...

That's all fine and dandy but completely beside the point. Nintendo is lacking tons of games that appeal to large parts of the market and is instead relying on games from genres that just do not appeal to as many people and the main problem is that most of their big titles appeal to the same limited audience: the Nintendo fan.

If you like multiplayer FPS's then you're not even going to consider Nintendo

If you like sports games then you're not even going to consider Nintendo

If you like open world action games then you're not even going to consider Nintendo

I could probably go on all day with a list like that, there are so many genres and popular franchises just not represented on the Wii U, that it's really not surprising at all that it's selling the way it is.

DerNebel said:
KLXVER said:
DerNebel said:

Cause it's clear as day that the games, or much more the lack of games, are a major reason for the Wii Us performance.

The WiiU has just as many games as the PS4 and XB1. It just doesnt have as many M rated games. I think we could use more games like Nintendo has and less AC, COD and GTA like games...


Ill give you the plot to every popular game these days:

Your world is shitty and you have to murder thousands of people to make it slightly less shitty...

That's all fine and dandy but completely beside the point. Nintendo is lacking tons of games that appeal to large parts of the market and is instead relying on games from genres that just do not appeal to as many people and the main problem is that most of their big titles appeal to the same limited audience: the Nintendo fan.

If you like multiplayer FPS's then you're not even going to consider Nintendo

If you like sports games then you're not even going to consider Nintendo

If you like open world action games then you're not even going to consider Nintendo

I could probably go on all day with a list like that, there are so many genres and popular franchises just not represented on the Wii U, that it's really not surprising at all that it's selling the way it is.

Nintendo has several of them. They are not M rated, so they dont count apparently...

KLXVER said:
DerNebel said:

That's all fine and dandy but completely beside the point. Nintendo is lacking tons of games that appeal to large parts of the market and is instead relying on games from genres that just do not appeal to as many people and the main problem is that most of their big titles appeal to the same limited audience: the Nintendo fan.

If you like multiplayer FPS's then you're not even going to consider Nintendo

If you like sports games then you're not even going to consider Nintendo

If you like open world action games then you're not even going to consider Nintendo

I could probably go on all day with a list like that, there are so many genres and popular franchises just not represented on the Wii U, that it's really not surprising at all that it's selling the way it is.

Nintendo has several of them. They are not M rated, so they dont count apparently...

That's the most childish way of addressing my point possible.

What alternative to Fifa does the Wii U have? Or Madden?

What alternative to Battlefield does it have?

What alternative to Far Cry does it have? Or Dragon Age? Or the Witcher? Or the new Assassin's Creed? Or GTA? MGS? Destiny?

And even if in a few of those cases you can find 1 game that might be able to somewhat substitute a title of those listed, then that still won't be enough because people don't buy systems to just play 1 game, people that like any of these series are not going to ditch them and the system(s) they come on for a Wii U that maybe has 1 game that might be somewhat similar to them and that will probably stay the only one on the system.