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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Amazon US May monthly bestsellers and general Amazon based discussion

People really need to remember the PS4 shortages on Amazon last month. This month it will be back to normal.


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Splatoon is still holding on to its relative position, but them pricecuts everywhere are really screwing with the overall rankings.

binary solo said:

So what you are saying is that there were retailer factors that drove Xb one sales over PS4 in April that are not present in the market for May, which means Xb one should rop more in May than PS4 because PS4 had no reduction in retailer buying incentives between April and May. But on the flip side there is still the Batman effect. With the exclusive bundles (even the non-special edition bundle) there are downward pressures on PS4 sales that should move a noticeable amount of sales into June. I think what the batman effect will do is mean the aggregate of April, May and June NPDs will come out with PS4 ahead, but the individual month sales will be heavily skewed to June for PS4 and sales will be close for May, as they were for April.

As I said previously I think based on the larger gap on Amazon this month between the TLOU bundle and the 2 main Xb one bundles I give the probable win for May to PS4, but with Xb one still in with a decent chance. I think June through to Halo 5 month should be safely in the hands of PS4 with reasonable margins, and quite likely the Halo 5 effect will mean comparatively larger gaps in the one or 2 months prior to Halo 5 month (is that July and August?). Even though PS4 will drop in price the month Halo 5 comes out (seems like a no-brainer for Sony do drop the price then) the remainder of the year after Halo 5 comes out should go to Xb one. 2015 sales difference should be very interesting, it could be very close.

I didn't really say anything about May, though. My point to Ryng was to look at the reasons why the results are the way they are. Don't just say the XBO will win May because it won April. The possibility is definitely there, but if the XBO wins May, it will likely not be for the same reasons as in April (e.g. white Halo MCC bundle, I'm looking at you).

I agree with much of what you said. I'm not so sure how much The Witcher III and FFX|X-2 HD factored into the PS4's sales. While Microsoft had marketing rights and The Witcher series never sniffed the PS3 last gen, the PS4 version sold twice as much in the US's little bro, the UK. FFX|X-2 HD appears to be significant because it's a Final Fantasy game and those who have a PS4, but never had a PS3 last gen can get their hands on it. However, it's a re-remaster.

Ryng_Tolu said:

XBO won, this is the reason for why XBO will win even this time.

Doesn't matter if the gap was small, PS4 lose, that's why will lose even this time.

Even if PS4 could win April NPD, still, XBO have strong chance for beat PS4, because of course PS4 will have a bigger dropped than XBO this month.

And i seriusly don't know why you guys think XBO will have a bigger dropped than PS4. Some people also think PS4 will sell more than April in May. SERIUSLY?

This is the pre-batman bundle month, there is NO REASON for PS4 sell more in May than in April. The Witcher? Pls, last year PS4 was down with Watch_Dogs...

The Batman PS4 sku hasn't been available all May so i doubt that'll have much of an impact,  also Amazon had shortages in April. I'd be surprised if the PS4 didn't just edge out May. 

Gamestop had that 2 day memorial day deal for PS4 and BB has a trade in deal going on that started May 24 and ends June 6. I think there's a good chance PS4 is winning may.

Formerly ilovegirls69  :(

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Shadow1980 said:
I wonder what's going on with Amazon. They still don't have anything up for either June or for the week beginning the first.

Oh well. Here's the current hourlies:

PS4 TLOU: #31
XBO MCC: #52
XBO ACC: #61
PS4: #72
Wii U: #76
XBO: #88

They don't update until after the first fully complete week of the month starting on Monday. 

The final monthly tally for May:

Xb one ACU #32
Xb one MCC #47
WiiU #59

The Witcher PS4 #4 & #18
Splatoon #8
Bloodborne #15
MCC #20

Hardware wise that *should* mean PS4 wins a close month, recalling April was a close win for XB one in NPD with Amazon putting PS4 at #41, ACU at #42 and MCC at #52. The multiplat Witcher should probably be top game for NPD, but it will be very interesting to see whether Amazon picks the top sku. PS4 skus of The Witcher are far ahead of the Xb one counterparts on Amazon, but Amazon software is notoriously unreliable at predicting NPD, so Xb one being top for The Witcher would not be too much of a surprise.

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binary solo said:
The final monthly tally for May:

Xb one ACU #32
Xb one MCC #47
WiiU #59

The Witcher PS4 #4 & #18
Splatoon #8
Bloodborne #15
MCC #20

Hardware wise that *should* mean PS4 wins a close month, recalling April was a close win for XB one in NPD with Amazon putting PS4 at #41, ACU at #42 and MCC at #52. The multiplat Witcher should probably be top game for NPD, but it will be very interesting to see whether Amazon picks the top sku. PS4 skus of The Witcher are far ahead of the Xb one counterparts on Amazon, but Amazon software is notoriously unreliable at predicting NPD, so Xb one being top for The Witcher would not be too much of a surprise.

I think the gp between the two consoles will be slightly bigger this time and in favour of the PS4. If you recall, the PS4 had stocking problems on Amazon AND many people ordered the Batman bundle.


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