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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Return Of Jrpg's??

All we need is a Bravely Default U and a regular Fire-Emblem on the Wii-U to go along with Illusionary Revelation and Xenoblade X and I'll be perfectly content.

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It will be the return of Jrpg's once Atlus can go crazy with SMT Spin-Offs again.

Now a new Chrono, Panzer Dragoon and that rumored Japan Studio rpg and the revival would be complete.

Turkish said:
Now a new Chrono, Panzer Dragoon and that rumored Japan Studio rpg and the revival would be complete.

Yeah, a new crono sequel would be amazing, loved the first two games...:)

Ka-pi96 said:
Cloudman said:

I never played Child of Light, but I did hear that. I need to play it some time. Haha, yeah, it needs to come back. More people need to experience its greatness... TwT

Yes, you really do! Child of Light was brilliant!

Hopefully I can get to it sooner than later, Kapi TwT



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yes, we need a PS2 era(or DS era) of JRPG greatness

You know things are good when people start asking if we re at a revival of great times past, for rpgs.

Its nice to see the PS4 getting so many early on, hope it keeps up.
Makeing the PS4 turn out to be a must buy for rpg fans.

Nem said:

Its very good to see. They should never have gone away.

Hopefully we get a new Grandia aswell. I dont have any faith in konami, but suikoden would be cool too.

A new Grandia is the one game that would make me lose my mind and buy a super limited edition. I'd play an HD remaster of 2 at this point just to enjoy that battle system.  

Even a spiritual successor with the combat would be perfectly acceptable at this point.

Ka-pi96 said:
They never really went away that much, they mostly just declined in quality. Guess we'll see if they are back to being good when they actually release, announcements alone aren't enough although it does look promising.

I don't necessarily agree. The games just released to much less notoreity due to the lower production of big titles vs the amount being produced by smaller developers.

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ZODIARKrebirth said:

with the announce of star ocean 5 and other games, it seems console jrpg's could make a comeback, what would be really be great...we know that at e3 level5 will announce there ps4 rpg (would love to see rogue galaxy 2), and could work on the next wild arms (loved the first 3, the hexagon battlesystem in 4 and 5 sucked a little bit), sony's final fantasy killer (who knows if it's true), with the announcement of monster hunter stories on 3ds, maybe we could see a ps4 entry of the main series...

Nintendo is not going to allow that to happen.

If anything, it would be the Vita that gets a Monster Hunter game and it would not be a main series entry.

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