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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Return Of Jrpg's??

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SpokenTruth said:

Definitely 'seems' like more are being announced now than last generation.  Anyone want to make a list?

ZODIARKrebirth said:

with the announcement of monster hunter stories on 3ds, maybe we could see a ps4 entry of the main series...

How does A beget B?

I thought the next anouncement would be monster hunter 5, but with the MH stories for 3ds it could be that sony made an agreement for a return on sony console of the main series, but certainly it's only a possibility...

SpokenTruth said:

Definitely 'seems' like more are being announced now than last generation.  Anyone want to make a list?

ZODIARKrebirth said:

with the announcement of monster hunter stories on 3ds, maybe we could see a ps4 entry of the main series...

How does A beget B?

Well Valkyria Chronicles/Disgeae 4/White Knight Chronicles/Final Fantasy XI/XIII/XIII versus/Star Ocean IV/Eternal Sonata/Enchanted Arms/tales of Vesperia/Star Ocean IV/Lost Odyssey/Blue Dragon/Infinity something/dragon Quest X/Cry on (announced not released)/Last Remnant/Air Tonelico/Agarest/that console wars JRPG... and probably more I forgot that were atleast announced first two years in last gen...

A few big names are announced, but I'm waiting for something new. I expect 5pb to somehow go the rpg route in the near future, that company feels like it has grown overnight.

ZODIARKrebirth said:
SpokenTruth said:

Definitely 'seems' like more are being announced now than last generation.  Anyone want to make a list?

How does A beget B?

I thought the next anouncement would be monster hunter 5, but with the MH stories for 3ds it could be that sony made an agreement for a return on sony console of the main series, but certainly it's only a possibility...

Or MH5 is in development for the next Nintendo handheld. I don't see why Capcom would spend more money on a console MH that will sell less. MH tri was moved to Wii to save development costs, and then that led to the transition of the main series to 3DS. 

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Its very good to see. They should never have gone away.

Hopefully we get a new Grandia aswell. I dont have any faith in konami, but suikoden would be cool too.

Nem said:

Its very good to see. They should never have gone away.

Hopefully we get a new Grandia aswell. I dont have any faith in konami, but suikoden would be cool too.

Dude, Grandia was so GREAT! I would love to see a game in that series again! I loved 1 and 2 a lot! x ) Such good RPGs...



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Cloudman said:
Nem said:

Its very good to see. They should never have gone away.

Hopefully we get a new Grandia aswell. I dont have any faith in konami, but suikoden would be cool too.

Dude, Grandia was so GREAT! I would love to see a game in that series again! I loved 1 and 2 a lot! x ) Such good RPGs...

It has the best combat system mix of real time and turn based. It must return! The world needs it. Even ubisoft ripped it off with Child of light.

i hope so. we need JRPG level of PS1 more then PS2 level.

Nem said:
Cloudman said:

Dude, Grandia was so GREAT! I would love to see a game in that series again! I loved 1 and 2 a lot! x ) Such good RPGs...

It has the best combat system mix of real time and turn based. It must return! The world needs it. Even ubisoft ripped it off with Child of light.

I never played Child of Light, but I did hear that. I need to play it some time. Haha, yeah, it needs to come back. More people need to experience its greatness... TwT



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