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Forums - Politics Discussion - Say Something About Your Country :-)!!

I live in King's Landing, actually a really nice and peaceful place.

It's usually warm and sunny, perfect for the beach...

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Wonktonodi said:
chocoloco said:
Colorado has legal weed... The most sking/snowboarding mountains in North America... Is one of sunniest states by data... Has been the slimest state for many years... Is one of the top 3 states in tourism... Is mostly white...

The US varies a lot...

I don't think Colorado is in the top 10 for tourism. 

Well, I guess things have changed from my memory of old data. I am thiking of the snowboard/ sking business obviously.  It is pretty big. 

Fededx said:
mikrolik said:
America: Where seemingly half the population constantly claim it's the greatest nation on Earth and defend it at every opportunity, citing freedom and the American dream; and the other half constantly criticize it and claim it's a horrible place, with fat arrogant citizens and a corrupt government.

My opinion; there's some good, some not so good, but overall I like it.

America is a continent, not a country. You mean the US, which is part of North America. It seems US education, speacially geography, leaves much to be desired...

To be fair, Mexico is actually the United States of Mexico, yet people call the country only Mexico. Americans in real life speech often refer to the country as America. That is not going to change any time soon. 

SpokenTruth said:

Even more than that, "America" itself is not a continent.  South America and North America are and together they are known as The Americas (along with Latin or Central America).  Same as the states North/South Carolina or Dakota.  There is no "Dakota" or "Carolina"...singlular.  

The USA often refers to itself as America because it is the only country with America in its name.

Yeah, I am from America and went to college. So, I am familiar with the country. 

My main point is to say that Americans call the country America in real life. So people should expect it on the internet. There is no disrespect meant in its usage it is just what people say. No reason to get annoyed by it. It is a simple thing. 

SpokenTruth said:
chocoloco said:
SpokenTruth said:

Sorry, I was actually trying to support your statement.

Just clarifying I am not really from Jamaica as my profile says!

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Samus Aran said:

Oh, and New York? That was founded by Belgians. Wall Street is named after the Walloons.

The street 'Wall Street' is likely named as such simply because there was once a wall there;

There is however, an English map that calls the current Wall Street 'Waalstraat', which you are maybe refering to. This could have indeed meant it was named after Walloon Belgians (a 'Waal'), but is was probably just a typo though with an extra 'a', because the word 'wal' is used in Dutch and means palisade/stockade or earthen wall in English, all types of 'walls'. A more sensible name for a street formed by an actual wall, that also had had various remodels over time. This would be similar to how the English butchered the word 'Deutsch' into 'Dutch' during the same era, which is why most Americans now think we speak German. Even if it wasn't just a typo, the 'Waal' is a river in the Netherlands, so it finally could also have been named after that, though this is just as unlikely.

So in short, there is a slight possibility the street was named after Belgians, however unlikely, but the other part is definitely not true.

New York, called Nieuw-Amsterdam (New Amsterdam) at the time of it's founding, was definitely not 'founded' by Belgians, Walloon or otherwise. It was founded by a Dutch merchantship leaving from Amsterdam after Englishman Henry Hudson in service of the Dutch Republic first explored the region searching for a passage to Asia, but found an abundancy of beavers instead. The Dutch built a fortress on what is now Lower Manhattan (it's successor is visible on the map above), along with a fur trading post. In the town that developed soon after, there were some Walloon settlers, yes, but they were among Dutch and others. Today the flag of New York City is even the old 17th century Dutch 'Prince's Flag' turned sideways.

Decided to go for a more patriotic post.


  • Canada is the 2nd largest country in the world, but there are only around 37 million people living here. We got a lot of space to explore!
  • Awesome scenery! Mountains, oceans, prairies, Canadian Shield, forests, lakes, etc. Oh and also some awesome Northern Lights. Enjoying the outdoors is one of the most Canadian things to do!
  • Lots of wildlife! Every province is in abundance of wid animals and you will most likely encounter them on any given day in the countryside.
  • Free health care and super nice citizens! One of the best places to live, and extremely diverse.
  • Poutine, maple syrup, beer, bacon, and Tim Hortons make our food quite good
  • We invented insulin, ice hockey, basketball, lacrosse, wonderbra, zippers, and countless other things.
  • We have polar bears! (this is for Ka-Pi)
  • We are super patriotic!

Is Canada awesome? Oh fuck ya bud

#1 Amb-ass-ador

Fededx said:
mikrolik said:
America: Where seemingly half the population constantly claim it's the greatest nation on Earth and defend it at every opportunity, citing freedom and the American dream; and the other half constantly criticize it and claim it's a horrible place, with fat arrogant citizens and a corrupt government.

My opinion; there's some good, some not so good, but overall I like it.

America is a continent, not a country. You mean the US, which is part of North America. It seems US education, speacially geography, leaves much to be desired...

Oh, hey, I looked it up: "America" isn't a continent either. There's North America and South America. The United States is in North America. But you knew exactly what I meant and just had to make yourself look "smart" and make me look "stupid", while insulting my country and fellow citizens.

Keep throwing stones from your glass house...

EDIT: A sincere thanks to all the people who responded without resorting to snarky putdowns. This is why I rarely post on these kinds of topics and why I probably will do so even less in the future.

Teeqoz said:

We have nice mountains and fjords and shit.

Didn't you forget about like, oil? I always think of oil when Norway comes up, so how could you not mention it? Man, you really gotta state your point more clearly.

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Ran by a lunatic. You won't find it hard to figure out what country I'm from.. -_-'