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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - They've left the Wii U to die.


Is the Wii U doomed?

Yes 586 59.19%
No 404 40.81%
rolltide101x said:

The real Nintendo fans I would put more under "core" not casual or hardcore lol.

I think Nintendo needs to make a system 100% for those people with their next hardware and use the x86/x64 platform to make porting games from the PS4/XBOne easy. There is no way Nintendo will sell at PS4/Xbox levels ever again but they can move 40 million units per gen and make good profits with their business model.


Nintendo games + 3rd party = profits

So, Nintendo should compete with Sony and Microsoft? Sounds like a very good idea.

And yes, Nintendo games + 3rd parties = Monies.

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

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rolltide101x said:
I agree with this, Nintendo is the greediest of the big 3 by far. They dont do ANYTHING that might benefit the consumer

Lol sure.  Sony and Microsoft are the sweetest, non-greediest companies in the world.  In fact they don't even want money at all, just to please their customers.

I'm sure all big international companies want to do is please their customers first and foremost and nothing else.

Just to note, all companies want the same thing, money, and their main goal in life is to get more of it.  This applies to Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft.  No company really does anything to please the customer unless there is a tangible benefit to themselves, failing that, it must be well publicised, or spun to make it so it does benefit the customer, when in all likelihood it doesn't(that or go bankrupt). That's the power and awesomeness of spin and PR.  Package and market faeces in a can and make it look like the most delicious thing anyone has ever tasted, and to make people think it as well, and not only that, for those people to fight those around them to try and get them to believe the fasces tastes good.

I don't know how to multiquote so I'll just normal quote 

"This, Nintendo should have expanded their appeal and made stuff like Uncharted or Skyrim for Wii U, instead they gave us Tropical Freeze and Mario 3DS World."

They already said they wont imitate(AAA industry anyway) and that their best chance of staying alive is being different.  Besides, they technically had games along those lines in the form of Xenoblade and Disaster: Day of Crisis, funnily enough made by the same company. 

In any case, they would have bombed or be ignored no matter how good they were.  
 And the costs for an Uncharted or Skyrim esque production is too big for them to bomb.  Not to mention the ridiculous marketing push behind those games when they release.  Nintendo is very much typecasted by this point, and not much they do will change it at this point.  Might as well roll with it and chase that blue ocean while pleasing the older Nintendo fans every once in a while like they're doing now.

They seek out new oppurtunities for mature IP(which is at least a bit original and not too derivative) every now and again but it usually ends in failure.  Quite honestly I don't even know why they even bother.  fatal frame if it comes over will bomb, and Devil's Third is a bomb in the making.

They probably should have justlet Bayo 2 die.  Noone would get it, but at least noone would complain.   Well less complainst if Nintendo didn't publish it anyway.

Goodnightmoon said:
MartinD said:
I sold my WiiU when I got the PS4. And to be honest, I didn´t miss it one single day. I played the Mario, 101, ... games, but, when they gave us WindwakerHD I was so pissed. I wanted a new Zelda, and they made me wait until 2016 now. And, if I sticked to WiiU, I would have missed all the great things like GTA, Last of Us and now Bloodborne...I was a little sad because of MarioKart, but, to be honest, I have 5 different versions at home (don´t recall now which on I missed), and I will survive this.
Maybe, when ZeldaU is a big hit, I get another WiiU on the used-market, but only if it is 150€ or less.

To answer your question: Yes it is dying, and noone cares anymore. The world has changed. Mario and Zelda don´t interest me anymore, sorry.

But you sold your console because of Zelda and you will buy the console again.... because of Zelda. They really don´t interest you? I don´t think so.


No. Misunderstanding. I meant, i extra bought wiiu for the new zelda, i tried to make time shorter with mario etc. But they didnt release a new zelda, but only a remake of a game which i still have on my gamecube. So i sold it all, and maybe buy a new one when the real zelda comes out. But i needed cash now for ps4 

nintendo just hasnt the infrastructural and financial resources. wouldnt have made any sense to "rescue" the wii u. they were too lazy for too long.

Hunting Season is done...

Hiku said:
Anfebious said:
Nintendo creates a console for the core gamers (Wii U). Now that Nintendo is losing money because the console was a commercial failure they should spend more money to support the core gamers that ditched it in the first place. That way, the core gamers will be more willing to buy their next console.


It was not created for the core gamers. If it was, they wouldn't have forced the expensive Gamepad on everyone. That was clearly an attempt to try to catch lightning in a bottle for the second time. It was an understandable gamble. It just didn't work out. Just because the core gamers are all that's left now that Nintendo failed to attract the casual/non gamer audience again, doesn't mean we weren't their second hand choice. And when your console doesn't appeal to a large portion of the core audience, you can't blame them for staying away.

all nintendo consoles were created for the core gamers.

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SubiyaCryolite said:
Anfebious said:
Nintendo creates a console for the core gamers (Wii U). Now that Nintendo is losing money because the console was a commercial failure they should spend more money to support the core gamers that ditched it in the first place. That way, the core gamers will be more willing to buy their next console.


Nothing about the Wii U screams core gamer. Core Nintendo gamers maybe but not core gamer.

OT. It hasn't been left to die but it doesn't get the variety and attention it needs. Right now I only play Mario Kart and Tekken, I sold all my other games because I completely lost interest in the system. Smash was supposed to turn the tide byut I still haven't bought it, probably won't.

I plan on getting a PS4 for Sony and console exclusives like Bloodborne, TLoU, GoWIII, Uncharted, GT, Tekken and Final Fantasy.

Right now 95% of my gaming is done on PC with "buggy, uninspired, overrated and broken" 3rd party multiplats XD

I always hoped the Wii U would be similar to the PSOne. A good mix of hardcore and casual games. Nintendo games with AAA 3rd party games side by side on the same system. It was wishfull thinking.

Then explain what a core gamer is. Because nintendo's games are mostly very challenging and that certainly constitutes as core games.

Materia-Blade said:

Then explain what a core gamer is. Because nintendo's games are mostly very challenging and that certainly constitutes as core games.

Let me guess... 

Core Gamer: Play games with realistic pretty grapixx, preference for open worlds. The bigger the budget the better



We reap what we sow

Materia-Blade said:
Hiku said:
Anfebious said:
Nintendo creates a console for the core gamers (Wii U). Now that Nintendo is losing money because the console was a commercial failure they should spend more money to support the core gamers that ditched it in the first place. That way, the core gamers will be more willing to buy their next console.


It was not created for the core gamers. If it was, they wouldn't have forced the expensive Gamepad on everyone. That was clearly an attempt to try to catch lightning in a bottle for the second time. It was an understandable gamble. It just didn't work out. Just because the core gamers are all that's left now that Nintendo failed to attract the casual/non gamer audience again, doesn't mean we weren't their second hand choice. And when your console doesn't appeal to a large portion of the core audience, you can't blame them for staying away.

all nintendo consoles were created for the core gamers.

When your system is missing key games in key genres and in some cases whole genres are not on the system, kind of hard to call it a core system. 

i'm probably going to pick up a wiiU once Nintendo's next system is out and get the main games on it for cheap, like i do with every nintendo console, I can't settle for a handful of games every year, best to play them in bulk

Bradford City Fan for life

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McDonaldsGuy said:
c) The PS3 sold well after its atrocious first year. PS3 sold MORE in 1 year DESPITE $599, losing exclusives, no rumble, no first party games, mediocre second party games, inferior multiplats, etc. etc. what the Wii U has sold in TOTAL


No first party games? What do you call Resistance: Fall of Man, Motorstorm, MLB 07: The Show, Warhawk, Heavenly Sword, Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, Folklore, and Uncharted: Drake's Fortune? There's nothing mediocre about any of them. Sure is an overall better effort than Microsoft's first year with Xbox 360