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Forums - Politics Discussion - Indiana Governer signs bill allowing businesses to reject gay customers.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
Religion pushes society back. It always has and always will. Society's progress has always occured outside of religion, but some people need it to get through the day, so I digress with that.

That's not really true. Religion was what pushed the masses towards literacy. The first book ever printed on a printing press was a Bible. Massive innovations were made in the art world during the Rennaissance that were either funded or inspired by religion. And I say this as an agonostic (or aetheist in situations like this).

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The_Yoda said:

If we are talking only about homosexuals then I take it you fall in with the side that believes homosexuality to be biological rather than a choice?

When did you choose to be hetrerosexual?

want to know something that is a lifestyle choice? Religion.

wilco said:
How is discriminating against gay people even going to work? If 2 men walk in and are dressed in a flamboyant manner do I then have cause to discriminate against them based on my religious beliefs? What if they are not gay and just have an eccentric fashion sense?

Also, doesn't this law open the door to the Muslim "no go" zones that conservatives were so worried about?

Almost 80% of the US are Christians.  Some (especially in certain positions) are on a mission to make separation of Church and State disappear and create a Christian dominated society in law and philosophy. If this happens our education &scientific system will fall victim to it. We will fall behind other first world countries even more than we have in education. 

You're right though, this law if the Supreme Court doesn't take it out will have the potential to affect other states.

nuckles87 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Religion pushes society back. It always has and always will. Society's progress has always occured outside of religion, but some people need it to get through the day, so I digress with that.

That's not really true. Religion was what pushed the masses towards literacy. The first book ever printed on a printing press was a Bible. Massive innovations were made in the art world during the Rennaissance that were either funded or inspired by religion. And I say this as an agonostic (or aetheist in situations like this).

I am agnostic as well and also an artist. 

Most people in Europe couldn't read, so they had to hire artists like myself to paint pictures so they could understand the stories of the bible in the church. Bibles were limited in printing and mostly the wealthy could afford them. The power of human invention is the reason why the printing press was created. It was an Asian/European transaction.

Stage back to Dr King ... seems to me religion is a part of his life and a part of him. He helped to further civil rights but you don't want religion or its role in his life to have been a part of that because it hurts your argument that religion "always" holds society back, or people down. A man is the sum of his parts.

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Wonktonodi said:
The_Yoda said:

If we are talking only about homosexuals then I take it you fall in with the side that believes homosexuality to be biological rather than a choice?

When did you choose to be hetrerosexual?

want to know something that is a lifestyle choice? Religion.

After getting my hands on my first boob.

Wonktonodi said:
The_Yoda said:

If we are talking only about homosexuals then I take it you fall in with the side that believes homosexuality to be biological rather than a choice?

When did you choose to be hetrerosexual?

want to know something that is a lifestyle choice? Religion.

Very true. My parents raised me as a Christian and they still are even though I am not. I am a big fan of science.

Shame that it got that far. I don't expect it to last long though, but the judicial system in this country has disappointed me time and again.
At least here homosexuals can't just be executed sadly too many places it's still done regularly and even here there are those that wish it was the case.

Wonktonodi said:
The_Yoda said:

If we are talking only about homosexuals then I take it you fall in with the side that believes homosexuality to be biological rather than a choice?

When did you choose to be hetrerosexual?

want to know something that is a lifestyle choice? Religion.

dumb question

S.T.A.G.E. said:
wilco said:

I have to say, I am a supporter of gay rights but I think the argument of whether or not homosexuality occurs in nature is irrelevant. I don't even buy into the idea that people are born with a "gay" gene. That seems like an oversimplification of human sexuality. I really don't see why it should matter. If two straight men decide they want to get married, that is their choice. As long as both parties are consenting adults, the argument of whether people are born that way or whether it is a choice shouldn't even matter.

I'm not talking about a gay gene. I cannot confirm that. I am stating that the being gay is displayed by a lot of other species around us. Its already proven. We make it look like we as higher animals having homosexuals are making a sinful decision and religion is not really a proper way to explain the world around us on a scientific level. My point is...could a Christian condemn their dog for being a homosexual any more than a man? Marriage is a societal structure created by humans. I mean, any two people should be able to marry like you said. I agree, they should have the rights guaranteed to us.

Sadly, I wouldn't put it past a fundamentalist to do that. I used to argue with Christians in a similar manner but then I realized it was a moot point. Like you said, religion has no place in the affairs of the state. Christian's are free to condemn what they want, they simply shouldn't have the right to legislate based on those beliefs. Anyone who wants to hate gays is welcome to do so, they have that right, but they shouldn't have the right to tell consenting adults that they can't get married.