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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Rubang's Reviews #1: If you don't like Brawl you're not a real gamer!

The Ghost of RubangB said:
A real gamer will play anything he or she can get their grubby gaming hands on. A real gamer tries all games, and discards no games based on graphics, style, developer, franchise, how "childish" or kiddie it looks, or anything other than gameplay. A real gamer eats, sleeps, and breathes gameplay.

If you like playing games, you like games that play well more than games that play poorly. This is all that matters.

If you like games, you most likely like a fighting game or 2 or 3.

If you like fighters, you like Brawl, and maybe a couple more.

If you only like one fighter, it just has to be Brawl, because it's infinitely better than the rest.

When I was younger, I memorized every move, fatality, and friendship in MK2 and 3, and even some of the babalities, and many of the secret codes. That's what separated me from my friends: I was insane enough to memorize all that bullshit.

With a superior game like Brawl however, it's not memorization of complex button sequences that separates the champs from the chumps. You each have 4 moves that are simple to use, no matter which character you are. Everybody's on the same playing field when it comes to special moves. Now you actually rely on timing, reflexes, and thinking 3 steps ahead.

Now I can barely touch traditional fighting games. They expect me to press 3 or 4 buttons in a row to shoot a fireball ever again? They're fooling themselves.

Well said. And just to expand on this: It means that if a game like "My horze and me" is praised by fellow gamers. The hardcore will rush to the store and buy it. And if the vendor is like: "Oh, you get that for your little daughter?" He will be like: "Shit no, I dont share my games with anyone. Kids could get stains on the booklet!".

That is the hardcore. Not like all you softcore: we wantz ze violenz type of gamers. 

Any message from Faxanadu is written in good faith but shall neither be binding nor construed as constituting a commitment by Faxanadu except where provided for in a written agreement signed by an authorized representative of Faxanadu. This message is intended for the use of the forum members only.

The views expressed here may be personal and/or offensive and are not necessarily the views of Faxanadu.

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I haven't tried My Horze and Me. Is it any good? I played Hamsterz Life, but found the training to be sub-par. Although, it did score some bonus points for letting YOUR HAMSTERS SPEAK ENGLISH TO YOU. You can teach them phrases with the microphone on the DS and they'll memorize them and repeat them back to you, but in their new "hamster voice," so it plays back your sound higher and cuter. Fucking hilarious. It also scores high for choosing hamsters, one of the world's greatest animals, and for using the letter Z in Hamsterz, which makes the game hip, like say... VGChartz.

The Ghost of RubangB said:
A real gamer will play anything he or she can get their grubby gaming hands on. A real gamer tries all games, and discards no games based on graphics, style, developer, franchise, how "childish" or kiddie it looks, or anything other than gameplay. A real gamer eats, sleeps, and breathes gameplay.

If you like playing games, you like games that play well more than games that play poorly. This is all that matters.

If you like games, you most likely like a fighting game or 2 or 3.

If you like fighters, you like Brawl, and maybe a couple more.

If you only like one fighter, it just has to be Brawl, because it's infinitely better than the rest.

When I was younger, I memorized every move, fatality, and friendship in MK2 and 3, and even some of the babalities, and many of the secret codes. That's what separated me from my friends: I was insane enough to memorize all that bullshit.

With a superior game like Brawl however, it's not memorization of complex button sequences that separates the champs from the chumps. You each have 4 moves that are simple to use, no matter which character you are. Everybody's on the same playing field when it comes to special moves. Now you actually rely on timing, reflexes, and thinking 3 steps ahead.

Now I can barely touch traditional fighting games. They expect me to press 3 or 4 buttons in a row to shoot a fireball ever again? They're fooling themselves.

You see now, we agree on the definition. A real gamer plays many different games. So ur claim, "if u dont like brawl u r not a real gamer" fails.

If you like ur games simple and fun then good for you. But some people find "fun" in different areas, I like 20 button combos for example, perhaps a simple game might be boring after a little while.

Its the same as the claim "if u dont play GTA4 u r not a real gamer" i saw in thread. I dont agree with this either

I like technology when its moving forward..

PSN: methys

I think after Nintendogs, any other animal sim will have a tough time. Played that game to death. especially the frisbee minigame. Man, I rocked so big in that. Perfecting the throwing technique really took some time.

What intrigues me in my horz is, besides the letter "Z" and the associated hippness, the parcours that look like a real challenge. Once I finish the game, I will let you know whether its a worthy purchase.

Any message from Faxanadu is written in good faith but shall neither be binding nor construed as constituting a commitment by Faxanadu except where provided for in a written agreement signed by an authorized representative of Faxanadu. This message is intended for the use of the forum members only.

The views expressed here may be personal and/or offensive and are not necessarily the views of Faxanadu.

I like Brawl so I'm a real gamer!

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Audiomatic said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
A real gamer will play anything he or she can get their grubby gaming hands on. A real gamer tries all games, and discards no games based on graphics, style, developer, franchise, how "childish" or kiddie it looks, or anything other than gameplay. A real gamer eats, sleeps, and breathes gameplay.

If you like playing games, you like games that play well more than games that play poorly. This is all that matters.

If you like games, you most likely like a fighting game or 2 or 3.

If you like fighters, you like Brawl, and maybe a couple more.

If you only like one fighter, it just has to be Brawl, because it's infinitely better than the rest.

When I was younger, I memorized every move, fatality, and friendship in MK2 and 3, and even some of the babalities, and many of the secret codes. That's what separated me from my friends: I was insane enough to memorize all that bullshit.

With a superior game like Brawl however, it's not memorization of complex button sequences that separates the champs from the chumps. You each have 4 moves that are simple to use, no matter which character you are. Everybody's on the same playing field when it comes to special moves. Now you actually rely on timing, reflexes, and thinking 3 steps ahead.

Now I can barely touch traditional fighting games. They expect me to press 3 or 4 buttons in a row to shoot a fireball ever again? They're fooling themselves.

You see now, we agree on the definition. A real gamer plays many different games. So ur claim, "if u dont like brawl u r not a real gamer" fails.

If you like ur games simple and fun then good for you. But some people find "fun" in different areas, I like 20 button combos for example, perhaps a simple game might be boring after a little while.

Its the same as the claim "if u dont play GTA4 u r not a real gamer" i saw in thread. I dont agree with this either

     I didn't mean to imply I like all my games simple and fun.  But I do prefer games that aren't so overly complex as to alienate the majority of the planet.  The best games take after chess, in that they have a very simple moveset that anybody can learn in a couple minutes, but you can spend the rest of your life mastering the complex strategies possible with the diverse combinations of those simple moves.

     I definitely want complexity in many of my games.  But I want the complexity to come from my brain and not from my fingers.  I want the complexity to be in the strategy and not in the buttons.  A game like Brawl may be easy to play, but it's not easy to win.

I agree that Tekken is better, I mean all that button mashing is so much better than actually thinking... Oh wait sorry I forgot to flip my sarcastic switch.

In brawl Nintendo have added:

new story
shit storm of new songs
35 - 40 characters if you count all of the different forms of the ones that transform
new stages
stage creator
much better graphics. say what you want about the graphics but the cutscenes in the adventure mode look far better than anything I've ever seen on PS3 or Xbox.
final smashes
what can be argued as an infinite lifespan depending what you like about it

Saying SSBB is just a re - hash of melee is like saying sponge cake is just a new version of smarties.

Good on ya Rubang for pointing out what a REAL gamer is. I'll give any game a chance so long as it's in my price range or unless it has very very very bad reviews. I'll play any game no matter how childish it looks, my mates laughed at me for playing Animal Crossing but when you get right down to it its a good game!

If you can't say anything good about SSBB then don't say anything at all otherwise I'll come to your house with a sharpened knife and a rusty chainsaw.

Battalion Wars FC - Name: megblitz (short for megablitz): 197 696 399 118 (still at 4 stars and making the push towards 5)

Pokemon Battle Revonution FC - Name: megablitz: 5155 1920 5197 (I don't play it much anmore but PM me if you want a game)

Games I own:

Mario Galaxy, LOZ Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime 3, Red Steel, Heatseeker, Super Paper Mario, Battalion Wars 2, Need For Speed Carbon, Call Of Duty 3, Pokemon Battle Revolution, WarioWare Smooth Moves, Rayman Raving Rabbids 2, The Simpsons Game, Avatar The Last Airbender, Harry Potter 5, Wii Sports, Wii Play.

Wish List:

Super Smash Bros Brawl, Mario Kart Wii, No More Heroes, Bully, Wii Fit, Red Steel 2, Pikmin 3, Spore, Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn.

God which one shall I get first?!? They're all great!!!

"If you don't like Brawl you're not a real gamer!"

That's a pretty ignorant comment. I have no time for shallow, derivative fighting games, does this mean that I am not a real gamer? If you took away the nostalgia of playing with familiar characters then SSB would quickly come crashing down to Earth. No offense, I'm not just stirring the pot but SSB doesn't stack up well to fighting games that have depth, or even brawlers like Power Stone.

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SSBB FC: 5155 2671 4071 elgefe02: "VGChartz's Resident Raving Rabbit"   MKWii:5155-3729-0989

I'm a real gamer now!