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The Ghost of RubangB said:
A real gamer will play anything he or she can get their grubby gaming hands on. A real gamer tries all games, and discards no games based on graphics, style, developer, franchise, how "childish" or kiddie it looks, or anything other than gameplay. A real gamer eats, sleeps, and breathes gameplay.

If you like playing games, you like games that play well more than games that play poorly. This is all that matters.

If you like games, you most likely like a fighting game or 2 or 3.

If you like fighters, you like Brawl, and maybe a couple more.

If you only like one fighter, it just has to be Brawl, because it's infinitely better than the rest.

When I was younger, I memorized every move, fatality, and friendship in MK2 and 3, and even some of the babalities, and many of the secret codes. That's what separated me from my friends: I was insane enough to memorize all that bullshit.

With a superior game like Brawl however, it's not memorization of complex button sequences that separates the champs from the chumps. You each have 4 moves that are simple to use, no matter which character you are. Everybody's on the same playing field when it comes to special moves. Now you actually rely on timing, reflexes, and thinking 3 steps ahead.

Now I can barely touch traditional fighting games. They expect me to press 3 or 4 buttons in a row to shoot a fireball ever again? They're fooling themselves.

Well said. And just to expand on this: It means that if a game like "My horze and me" is praised by fellow gamers. The hardcore will rush to the store and buy it. And if the vendor is like: "Oh, you get that for your little daughter?" He will be like: "Shit no, I dont share my games with anyone. Kids could get stains on the booklet!".

That is the hardcore. Not like all you softcore: we wantz ze violenz type of gamers. 

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