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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - When do you think Animal Crossing U will be revealed?


When will Nintendo show Animal Crossing U?

In a direct before E3 16 8.94%
During E3 128 71.51%
Never 35 19.55%
Zekkyou said:

I never said a game had to be ambitious to be great (in-fact i acknowledged the quality of the WiiU's games), but that doesn't change the fact that Nintendo have done very little to justify the WiiU's hardware over the last 2+ years. I don't personally believe they've even matched their work on the Wii (which is pretty depressing, considering the Wii's hardware limitations).

I look at a game like XCX and think "this is why the WiiU exists". I then look at 3D World and think "this wouldn't even have impressed me on the Wii". Quality is irrelevant to both of those thoughts. I was expecting to feel the former thought much sooner, and about far more games by now.


It's fine if you disagree, but personally I've been very disappointing.

Isn't the point of a console is to have great games? I'd rather have a number of great games with a few ambitious games (that are great as well) here and there then a load of Ambitious but mediocre to decent games. Given how the industry itself has yet to deliver on any ambitious title barring this gen outside of the Wii U imo which already has a title in Bayonetta 2 I further stand by my view in this regard especially as the best ambitious game out from the industry in the past has been a remaster in GTAV.

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Wyrdness said:

Isn't the point of a console is to have great games? I'd rather have a number of great games with a few ambitious games (that are great as well) here and there then a load of Ambitious but mediocre to decent games. Given how the industry itself has yet to deliver on any ambitious title barring this gen outside of the Wii U imo which already has a title in Bayonetta 2 I further stand by my view in this regard especially as the best ambitious game out from the industry in the past has been a remaster in GTAV.

Yes, and the point of charging people hundreds of dollars for better hardware is to use that hardware to deliver new experiences, not to step into the shadow of your predecessor. The closest thing to ambition we've had on the WiiU is Bayonetta 2 (though B2's ambition is mostly limited to visual scale), and that not only wasn't developed by Nintendo, but still released almost 2 years after launch.

As curl-6 said, they should have started delivering such experiences right out of the gate. Instead we've been given HD Wii/3DS titles.

Have you noticed how many people have been complaining about the number of cross-gen releases on the PS4 and X1? Such titles usually provide little in the way of next-gen ambition (there are exceptions like Shadow of Mordor, that's 7th gen version was barley able to keep up), thus do little to justify either console. That's why we see people actively celebrating when a title is 8th gen only (such as The Witcher 3). Those are the games that have a chance of providing experiences that couldn't be fully realized on the PS3 and 360. Those are what people bought a PS4 and X1 for. The same applies to the WiiU.

this Xmas world wide


I dont think its gonna be announcned this years E3, i think next years E3

It won't sell as much consoles as you would think, but it is a big game to be released in Japan nonetheless. Think they'll show it this year but doubt it will release before 2016.

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I'm not sure whether i'll buy it or not, Animal Crossing on home console just doesn't appeal to me and I couldn't get into new leaf like I did wild world either.

I loved wild world....

If one IS coming to the WiiU it'll be released summer 2016 I imagine and be revealed either at this e3 or a nintendo direct somewhere down the line. Why isn't Direct after e3 an option? :P

Zekkyou said:

Yes, and the point of charging people hundreds of dollars for better hardware is to use that hardware to deliver new experiences, not to step into the shadow of your predecessor. The closest thing to ambition we've had on the WiiU is Bayonetta 2 (though B2's ambition is mostly limited to visual scale), and that not only wasn't developed by Nintendo, but still released almost 2 years after launch.

As curl-6 said, they should have started delivering such experiences right out of the gate. Instead we've been given HD Wii/3DS titles.

Have you noticed how many people have been complaining about the number of cross-gen releases on the PS4 and X1? Such titles usually provide little in the way of next-gen ambition (there are exceptions like Shadow of Mordor, that's 7th gen version was barley able to keep up), thus do little to justify either console. That's why we see people actively celebrating when a title is 8th gen only (such as The Witcher 3). Those are the games that have a chance of providing experiences that couldn't be fully realized on the PS3 and 360. Those are what people bought a PS4 and X1 for. The same applies to the WiiU.

Except not even the industry has delivered right out of the gates which highlights inconsistent expectations here especially as you yourself touted the industry, B2's ambition is to it's high octane action which no other action title right now touches apart from W101 another Wii U exclusive. PG aren't first party yes but Nintendo are the only ones who wanted B2 to exist highlighting their ambition for the U to have such games. You're also arguing subjectives here as SM3DW is still one of the best games this gen hands down, falling short of the Galaxy duo is not even an issue as they're the highest rated platform titles in history, it's like complaining Last of Us falls short of Uncharted 2 or Half-Life 2 falls short of the original for an example when they're all great games above the majority, this doesn't bolster your point on ambition at all as the game you don't prefer as much is still one of the gen's greats.

Have you yourself notice how the are few dedicated 8th gen titles? You know why? Because to meet the ambition it takes a lot of time and development and the AAA culture of the industry to drive these ambitions costs a fortune that is why the 7th gen is still alive now and will be for a while. Don't get it twisted people buy consoles for great games not for ambition and that's why the U is unique in that it's great games are exclusive to it, I don't care for what the ambition behind games like W101 or Pikmin was as all that matters to me and any other person is how well it plays, I'd rather have such games then ambitious titles like Destiny that are mediocre.

WhiteEaglePL said:
Most definitely E3.

I think it should be called New Leaf 2, so some of the 7m+ new leaf owners at least get more interested than they would if it was a differently names AC game. (talking about non-hardcore gamers)

It should be called Animal Crossing: Universe, and it should be, essentially, an mmo with NPC AND human neighbors all over your town, and the ability to travel to different towns and those towns look different (like New leaf did, except with a whole lot more customization to it). The potential of Animal crossing is incomprehensibly exciting to me compared to practically any other game. They get closer each game, but they still haven't gotten the series to the level it could be in terms of internet.

Soundwave said:

Standing by "never".

It will be a launch window title for the next handheld/Fusion platform.

And it will sell 2x-3x more as a result.

Wii U will get a Metroid game in 2016 instead to retire the system.

I think a cross-platform release could happen, holiday 2016 for both Wii U and next handheld

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

I'm going to go against the trend, and predict that they actually reveal AC U prior to E3. Animal Crossing on consoles hasn't generally done anywhere near the handheld numbers, and with good reason - the regular gameplay is something that works well for play when you're commuting, or in other similar circumstances. Being able to pull it out and play at any time gives a lot more freedom in a game that runs on a real-time clock.

On the other hand, it's the kind of game that appeals well to the Nintendo core. That makes it a great pre-E3 reveal, because it can act as a teaser for E3, while also preventing too large a vacuum of information. Plus, it's a franchise that does strongest in Japan, but only for handhelds. They're going to want to try to get the Japanese players to transition to the Wii U, so I could see them angling the reveal more towards Japan. If they're smart, they'll make it a Wii U game with a download-to-3DS support program that lets people do some stuff while out and about, and then connect up to the Wii U to upload the stuff done before playing on on the Wii U.

Imagine this - the village itself can be played on either Wii U or 3DS. When played on 3DS, you're restricted to the village. When playing on Wii U, you can access a much broader game, including various online functionalities (perhaps a full-fledged Animal Crossing City?). If each player gets their own village, but can then travel to the other villages on the same Wii U, it could be made so that a village downloaded to 3DS can't be accessed on the Wii U until it's returned, to maintain consistency.