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Zekkyou said:

I never said a game had to be ambitious to be great (in-fact i acknowledged the quality of the WiiU's games), but that doesn't change the fact that Nintendo have done very little to justify the WiiU's hardware over the last 2+ years. I don't personally believe they've even matched their work on the Wii (which is pretty depressing, considering the Wii's hardware limitations).

I look at a game like XCX and think "this is why the WiiU exists". I then look at 3D World and think "this wouldn't even have impressed me on the Wii". Quality is irrelevant to both of those thoughts. I was expecting to feel the former thought much sooner, and about far more games by now.


It's fine if you disagree, but personally I've been very disappointing.

Isn't the point of a console is to have great games? I'd rather have a number of great games with a few ambitious games (that are great as well) here and there then a load of Ambitious but mediocre to decent games. Given how the industry itself has yet to deliver on any ambitious title barring this gen outside of the Wii U imo which already has a title in Bayonetta 2 I further stand by my view in this regard especially as the best ambitious game out from the industry in the past has been a remaster in GTAV.