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Zekkyou said:

Yes, and the point of charging people hundreds of dollars for better hardware is to use that hardware to deliver new experiences, not to step into the shadow of your predecessor. The closest thing to ambition we've had on the WiiU is Bayonetta 2 (though B2's ambition is mostly limited to visual scale), and that not only wasn't developed by Nintendo, but still released almost 2 years after launch.

As curl-6 said, they should have started delivering such experiences right out of the gate. Instead we've been given HD Wii/3DS titles.

Have you noticed how many people have been complaining about the number of cross-gen releases on the PS4 and X1? Such titles usually provide little in the way of next-gen ambition (there are exceptions like Shadow of Mordor, that's 7th gen version was barley able to keep up), thus do little to justify either console. That's why we see people actively celebrating when a title is 8th gen only (such as The Witcher 3). Those are the games that have a chance of providing experiences that couldn't be fully realized on the PS3 and 360. Those are what people bought a PS4 and X1 for. The same applies to the WiiU.

Except not even the industry has delivered right out of the gates which highlights inconsistent expectations here especially as you yourself touted the industry, B2's ambition is to it's high octane action which no other action title right now touches apart from W101 another Wii U exclusive. PG aren't first party yes but Nintendo are the only ones who wanted B2 to exist highlighting their ambition for the U to have such games. You're also arguing subjectives here as SM3DW is still one of the best games this gen hands down, falling short of the Galaxy duo is not even an issue as they're the highest rated platform titles in history, it's like complaining Last of Us falls short of Uncharted 2 or Half-Life 2 falls short of the original for an example when they're all great games above the majority, this doesn't bolster your point on ambition at all as the game you don't prefer as much is still one of the gen's greats.

Have you yourself notice how the are few dedicated 8th gen titles? You know why? Because to meet the ambition it takes a lot of time and development and the AAA culture of the industry to drive these ambitions costs a fortune that is why the 7th gen is still alive now and will be for a while. Don't get it twisted people buy consoles for great games not for ambition and that's why the U is unique in that it's great games are exclusive to it, I don't care for what the ambition behind games like W101 or Pikmin was as all that matters to me and any other person is how well it plays, I'd rather have such games then ambitious titles like Destiny that are mediocre.