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Forums - Gaming Discussion - FF XV demo Previews "New hope" "It just feels like FF" "Raw ambition"

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VXIII said:

Why not ?

I mean, the demo is 3 hours long. The pre-orders are very high according to Amazon (higher rank than both the PS4 and XOne on the best sellers charts at the moment). If the fans loved it, they will definitely look forward to the full game. No matter how much they hated XIII series.

I think its pretty shallow to judge a series based on the demo of an unfinished product but I guess most people don't think that way.

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looks like the story is the only part left to decide if this game will be good or great.

Meret said:
Kotaku said the game is broken. Frame rate drops,etc...

Its a demo, Square said it wasnt gona be running at steady FPS and that it wasnt gona be full HD, they arentin the part of the dev cycle where they polish the game to mke these things smooth yet.


Keybladewielder said:

I think its pretty shallow to judge a series based on the demo of an unfinished product but I guess most people don't think that way.

3 huors of pure gameplay and explorations is enought to tell us the gameplay elements are definetly fun. We need to know about the story now and how chalenging the game is gona be, if itll be rewarding sidequests etc, but its pretty safe to say right now that the gameplay is pretty damm great.

Keybladewielder said:
VXIII said:

Why not ?

I mean, the demo is 3 hours long. The pre-orders are very high according to Amazon (higher rank than both the PS4 and XOne on the best sellers charts at the moment). If the fans loved it, they will definitely look forward to the full game. No matter how much they hated XIII series.

I think its pretty shallow to judge a series based on the demo of an unfinished product but I guess most people don't think that way.

One can still get some glimpse of what the full game will be like from this demo but one SHOULD NEVER judge the full game based on this demo. Unfortunately I've seen many people who are already judging the full game based on impressions from this demo. Some even saying that Squareenix should have not released an imperfect demo and should have delayed its release to polish it some more(on Neogaf). It's kinda sad that many are treating this demo as a full game expecting it to be perfect and extremely polished and even comparing the release of this demo to the recent broken releases of some other big games. Unbelievable.

I'm conflicted on whether to not play the demo to not spoil the game or play it since I know it's going to be awesome.  >.<

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Don't copy random editorials.

Meret said:
Kotaku said the game is broken. Frame rate drops,etc...

You wish..

Kowan said:
Keybladewielder said:

I think its pretty shallow to judge a series based on the demo of an unfinished product but I guess most people don't think that way.

One can still get some glimpse of what the full game will be like from this demo but one SHOULD NEVER judge the full game based on this demo. Unfortunately I've seen many people who are already judging the full game based on impressions from this demo. Some even saying that Squareenix should have not released an imperfect demo and should have delayed its release to polish it some more(on Neogaf). It's kinda sad that many are treating this demo as a full game expecting it to be perfect and extremely polished and even comparing the release of this demo to the recent broken releases of some other big games. Unbelievable.

This is why most games don't have demos anymore. They tend to put people off rather than bring new players in. Unfortunately, if you're going to release a demo in this day and age, it has to be good... or they could call it a beta test and get players to send feedback.

So, I just pre-ordered Type-0 after reading these.

Is Type-0 actually any good?!

I wonder how positive the reception would be if the game was still exclusive?