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Forums - Gaming Discussion - FF XV demo Previews "New hope" "It just feels like FF" "Raw ambition"

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Hype hype hype i cannot wait to play the full games, i might not have a chance to play the demo

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I'll wait till I play the demo to see for myself.">"><img src="

Well guess I'll be getting Type 0 after all. After watching the recent trailer for FF Type 0 and now hearing positive previews for the demo I'm willing to shell out 60 bucks for it.

Been looking at some preview on YouTube and I must say that it gets me quite exciting about the game :) Looks really good!

VXIII said:

Added kotaku preview, some interesting parts:

"And, yeah, don't worry: this isn't a game of button-mashing. Kingdom Hearts this ain't. You can defend (by holding L1 in the demo) and parry/counter-attack enemy moves, though I'm not sure how viable that is as a strategy when you're trying to slash through fifteen goblins at once. As I played through the demo—which is not easy by any means!—I found that staying on the offensive was way more effective, especially when fighting through herds of obnoxious little cat-tiger-like critters that refused to stand still."

"The music is fucking amazing."

"The Duscae demo is full of landmarks and objectives"

"full of framerate drops that made exploring FFXV's open world feel like more of a chore than it ever should have been"

Someone never played Kingdom Hearts on the higher difficulties then.

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This is really going to boost type 0 sales. Smart move by SE.

Looking forward to playing the demo myself :)

Goodnightmoon said:
When are they going to release this game?

Second half of 2016 or sooner?

I'm thinking Q1 (march worldwide release) is probably their target. Really wish it could make December 2015 but thats looking highly unlikely at this point, not impossible though.

I don't tthink its worth paying much attention to the pecentages of the game being finished the director is spewing out because content development for games is all over the place, some things take a lot longer then others such as implenting gameplay systems, gameplay scenarios. the remaining 40% is graphical assets and art, we could see it by this fall.

Mystro-Sama said:

I'm conflicted on whether to not play the demo to not spoil the game or play it since I know it's going to be awesome.  >.<

I'm just going to wait it out. Demo is tempting but this a game I know I'm going to get even if it falls well short of amibitions. I have no real interest in type 0 so that helps :)

NobleTeam360 said:
Well guess I'll be getting Type 0 after all. After watching the recent trailer for FF Type 0 and now hearing positive previews for the demo I'm willing to shell out 60 bucks for it.

Too bad you got to buy it on the Xbox One.">"><img src="

Slade6alpha said:
NobleTeam360 said:
Well guess I'll be getting Type 0 after all. After watching the recent trailer for FF Type 0 and now hearing positive previews for the demo I'm willing to shell out 60 bucks for it.

Too bad you got to buy it on the Xbox One.  

, I'll just buy a copy on PS4 and then buy a PS4 later . Should only take like a month of saving.