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Forums - General Discussion - People keep calling me a camper

Griffin said:
dgm6780 said:
wth is a noob tube? when i ask that online I usually get 2-3 differenet answers. I think it means whatever gun that guy just killed me with. Its the biggest whinners who start complaining about what gun you are using in CoD4.

A "noob tube" is the grenade launcher on the bottom of any assualt rifle. The worst thing you can do is use overkill with these weapons so now you have 4 rifles with the noob tube. The grenade launcher has another name aswell, its called the 203. So if they mention that they mean the noob tube.


See I perfer using RPGs for explpsove fun.

Nothing makes people go WTF? more then to be running in an open field and then suddenly get hit in the chest with an RPG round.

It's kinda hard to pull off but it's satisfying.

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Cheetos1 said:
A camper hmmm they never called me that ^^''.

I was always the idiot who ran to the enemy and died first;.

 I would like to thank guys like you, it shows where the enemy is hiding and allows me to pick them off.  But the worst part is when i play with players that are to afaird to advance so then i'm forced to move up the map, but my team does not follow me around the corner they stand there and now no one can pick off the guys that were hiding.

uh the gernade launcher is hardly a noob weapon. its rather difficult to use. they dont explode on impact, they have to travel a certain distance. the only way they could be associated with noobs is that they are the first attachment you unlock for assault rifles

dgm6780 said:
uh the gernade launcher is hardly a noob weapon. its rather difficult to use. they dont explode on impact, they have to travel a certain distance. the only way they could be associated with noobs is that they are the first attachment you unlock for assault rifles

 I will admit it is hard to use on certain maps, you need to be a certain distance for it to go off and most maps are small with no open areas.  But on maps like Pipeline, Bog, strike or crossfire the noob tube is very deady.  As i've tried it out on several maps, while using overkill and it is one of the better weapons you can have.