Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
sc94597 said:
Fire Emblem is just as much RPG as it is Strategy, so you move along in a linear story and have battles within that context, so no base like Civilization. Civilization on the otherhand is not story driven and you aren't moving around unless you want to. Combat is somewhat similar. Both have a rock-paper-scissors like mechanic (well I guess it depends on the game for Civilization.) Fire Emblem obviously focuses entirely on combat, while Civilization has other gameplay to care about. |
Thanks. I know how ridiculous my questions sounded! But seriously, you put it well. I always thought the combat looked similar in many ways. I enjoyed many scenarios on civ which were story based. I might check out fire emblem on wii u.
sc94597 said:
Yep it looks different with the effect settings I have (more bloom/HDR.) As for the 2fps, I was using the built in screen shot taker in Dolphin. The game freezes for a second when you use that, and the FPS reflects that. Without fraps/Dxtory the game runs at 30fps constant, but with a video recording software I have consistent drops down to 28 fps or 26 fps. |
I see. Sounds like the emulator makes sure everything is a-ok onscreen in order to get those nice screenshots.
sc94597 said: |
Seriously though, I don't think I'll ever stop being in awe of what that game accomplished with its diverse and incredible locations, and the story behind them. Great shots.
Platina said: What emulator are you using? I still need to play this game... |
I'm using the Dolphin Emulator and it's running perfectly stable, I can only recommend it. (Both using the emulator and playing the game that is. )
Lyrics: He He He He Ha Ha Ha!
Smeags said:
Seriously though, I don't think I'll ever stop being in awe of what that game accomplished with its diverse and incredible locations, and the story behind them. Great shots. |
Same here. This is my second time playing through the game, and I am still amazed by the great, vast, and natural landscapes (first time playing in HD with high-res textures though.) The story also benefits from playing it again and again, because you see things differently knowing more and more context.
For example, knowing that the world was created by a powerful computer explains a lot of small things in the world. Or knowing Dickson will betray you makes you feel antogonistic towards things he says and does to manipulate you throughout the story.
And of course the gameplay is varied enough with different characters and party combinations that you can't really get bored with that. said: Hey, fire emblem player, I've been curious about it. Tell me, how does it compare to the likes of civilization. Are the combat mechanics similar. Do you build in it I.e have a base? I know this is quite random, but I just kind of felt like asking, randomly. |
Um... I'm sorry, but I won't be of much help since I've never played civilization. Although, I can tell you this much from what you've asked: You can't build structures when battling. When it comes to combat mechanics... well, that's where the game really shines in my opinion. Some weapon type may have an advantage over other weapon types, while showing signs of weakness against another type. (e. g. Sword > Axe but Sword < Lance) Then there are exceptions which mix up the gameplay, and so on. I hope this wasn't too confusing.
I can only really recommend one thing though: Try the game for the first 3 - 4 chapters, you will see whether you like its style or not - if it's not your type of game, you can still stop any time.
Lyrics: He He He He Ha Ha Ha!
Oh man, THAT's where I left my old flip phone. Can't wait to get my ferret pictures off of it (Pikmin 3)
Also really enjoy the overworld level layout in Super Mario 3D World
run away! said:
This isn't really the right thread to post this, so if you want more info, you can ask in the NintenDomination thread, or make your own thread :)
So far, there has been no announced Fire Emblem game for the Wii U... though a crossover of SMT x FE was announced, no info was given on it since
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