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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony Santa Monica designer threatens future ad revenue and review copies of games in retaliation of low The Order scores

Veknoid_Outcast said:
Wonktonodi said:

I find the reactions and over reactions far more disturbing both in the gaming media and here. 

 From the order being the whipping boy of reviewers to the amount of people here hoping for the game to fail or just go out of their way to bash.

I can't speak for anyone else, but this has nothing to do with The Order for me. It has everything to do with a designer suggesting that his or any other studio should remove the video game media from the equation because of negative press.

Is there a ridiculous amount of irrational hatred for The Order among forum posters like us? Yes, in some quarters. Is the article posted in the OP sensationalist and poorly written? Yes, undoubtedly. Is the video game media in general plagued by corruption and nepotism? Yes, I believe so. But Rhymer didn't take to Twitter to impeach the integrity of the video game media after years of overinflated scores, conflicts of interest, and unprofessional behavior. He cried foul only when critics panned The Order, and then petulantly wondered aloud whether the punishment for negative press was complete ostracization. This is completely unprofessional, and it says a lot more about developers and publishers than it does about the media and fans. 

How on Earth would consumers be served if games were screened only by sympathetic media members? 

I would argue we aren't served by them now. They are all about click bait articles. Had he said one or two sites specifically or even was thinking that when he said it sure. I'm thinking along the lines that the game makers are seeing the sites for what they have become and is wondering what the point of review copies and advertising on gaming media sites. Personally I'd love more of a separation.  


You don't think there is a big problem with the person who wrote the review of the order also being the guy who wrote this click bait tilted "article"? 



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badgenome said:
kinisking said:
dont see why he's making such a big deal? He's not even a developer for the game right?

He may or may not be, but Santa Monica collaborated on it.

Really? Didnt know that.

mornelithe said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:

How on Earth would consumers be served if games were screened only by sympathetic media members? 

Hahaha, so you think the point of games press is to serve gamers?

Of course it is! Serve them up to the Industry on a silver platter, sure, but serve them nonetheless!

noname2200 said:
mornelithe said:

Hahaha, so you think the point of games press is to serve gamers?

Of course it is! Serve them up to the Industry on a silver platter, sure, but serve them nonetheless!

No.  I really shouldn't have to state this, but any for-profit business, is in it...for profit.  There is no righteous objective behind any of it, other than padding their wallets.  And folks who think the games media doesn't cut corners or half-ass their jobs as much, or worse than developers, haven't been paying attention.  

LudicrousSpeed said:

Really? Didnt know that.

Yeah. If Sony is publishing a game, there's a fair chance that Santa Monica has a hand in it. They seem to specialize more in helping smaller studios bring their games up to snuff than in making their own games these days.

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This guy should be fired. Whether he has any pull in his company or not, or even part of the development of The Order, to insinuate at all what he did is a major foul.

Imagine even one person in charge of IGN or any other gaming site out there seeing his tweets or this article and thinking "if we give some game a bad score we might lose that companies ad revenue in the future" he will go to his staff and say you better give all companies that we get ad revenue from at least a minimum of a 7, no matter what.

That is a horrible precedent and what many of use believe the gaming industry has been plagued with the last 5 years anyway.

To think someone is dumb enough to publicly post something even hinting at this is just beyond stupid and he deserves to get fired.

irstupid said:
This guy should be fired. Whether he has any pull in his company or not, or even part of the development of The Order, to insinuate at all what he did is a major foul.

Imagine even one person in charge of IGN or any other gaming site out there seeing his tweets or this article and thinking "if we give some game a bad score we might lose that companies ad revenue in the future" he will go to his staff and say you better give all companies that we get ad revenue from at least a minimum of a 7, no matter what.

That is a horrible precedent and what many of use believe the gaming industry has been plagued with the last 5 years anyway.

To think someone is dumb enough to publicly post something even hinting at this is just beyond stupid and he deserves to get fired.

That's up to his employer, not the peanut gallery.

mornelithe said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:

I can't speak for anyone else, but this has nothing to do with The Order for me. It has everything to do with a designer suggesting that his or any other studio should remove the video game media from the equation because of negative press.

Is there a ridiculous amount of irrational hatred for The Order among forum posters like us? Yes, in some quarters. Is the article posted in the OP sensationalist and poorly written? Yes, undoubtedly. Is the video game media in general plagued by corruption and nepotism? Yes, I believe so. But Rhymer didn't take to Twitter to impeach the integrity of the video game media after years of overinflated scores, conflicts of interest, and unprofessional behavior. He cried foul only when critics panned The Order, and then petulantly wondered aloud whether the punishment for negative press was complete ostracization. This is completely unprofessional, and it says a lot more about developers and publishers than it does about the media and fans. 

How on Earth would consumers be served if games were screened only by sympathetic media members? 

Hahaha, so you think the point of games press is to serve gamer's?

Well, yes, ostensibly. The media, at least in theory, is meant to be a vanguard of sorts. It's supposed to inform and protect the public. Has the video game industry failed this noble pursuit over the last two generations? Yes, time after time.

But to imply the answer is breaking off contact between game makers and game critics is a huge mistake. Without a watch dog, developers and publishers could sell lies to consumers unabated, planting positive stories with unscrupulous publications and outlets. Such a divorce would set a terrible precedent and would drag an already corrupt industry deeper into ignominy.

mornelithe said:
irstupid said:
This guy should be fired. Whether he has any pull in his company or not, or even part of the development of The Order, to insinuate at all what he did is a major foul.

Imagine even one person in charge of IGN or any other gaming site out there seeing his tweets or this article and thinking "if we give some game a bad score we might lose that companies ad revenue in the future" he will go to his staff and say you better give all companies that we get ad revenue from at least a minimum of a 7, no matter what.

That is a horrible precedent and what many of use believe the gaming industry has been plagued with the last 5 years anyway.

To think someone is dumb enough to publicly post something even hinting at this is just beyond stupid and he deserves to get fired.

That's up to his employer, not the peanut gallery.

Yea and I woudl fire him if I were his employer.

Imagine any other business in the world where an employee came out and publicly basically blackmailed everyone.  The higher up on the totem pole he is the more aggregious his offence.  The lower on the totem pole he is the more dispensable he is.  Either way I would fire him.  It's completely unproffessional and unethical.  Sadly nothing new in this industry. 

Veknoid_Outcast said:
mornelithe said:

Hahaha, so you think the point of games press is to serve gamer's?

Well, yes, ostensibly. The media, at least in theory, is meant to be a vanguard of sorts. It's supposed to inform and protect the public. Has the video game industry failed this noble pursuit over the last two generations? Yes, time after time.

But to imply the answer is breaking off contact between game makers and game critics is a huge mistake. Without a watch dog, developers and publishers could sell lies to consumers unabated, planting positive stories with unscrupulous publications and outlets. Such a divorce would set a terrible precedent and would drag an already corrupt industry deeper into ignominy.

Personally, from where I'm sitting, that's exactly what needs to happen.  A reality check to the games media, if you will.  Burn the entire thing down, and hopefully it'll eradicate the cancer.

That time has already come, and frankly, the games media is complicit in perpetuating, and in some cases, starting those lies in the first place.

There are alternatives to the 'traditional' games media, and some of them (Youtubers, for example) have larger followings than the traditional media.