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mornelithe said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:

I can't speak for anyone else, but this has nothing to do with The Order for me. It has everything to do with a designer suggesting that his or any other studio should remove the video game media from the equation because of negative press.

Is there a ridiculous amount of irrational hatred for The Order among forum posters like us? Yes, in some quarters. Is the article posted in the OP sensationalist and poorly written? Yes, undoubtedly. Is the video game media in general plagued by corruption and nepotism? Yes, I believe so. But Rhymer didn't take to Twitter to impeach the integrity of the video game media after years of overinflated scores, conflicts of interest, and unprofessional behavior. He cried foul only when critics panned The Order, and then petulantly wondered aloud whether the punishment for negative press was complete ostracization. This is completely unprofessional, and it says a lot more about developers and publishers than it does about the media and fans. 

How on Earth would consumers be served if games were screened only by sympathetic media members? 

Hahaha, so you think the point of games press is to serve gamer's?

Well, yes, ostensibly. The media, at least in theory, is meant to be a vanguard of sorts. It's supposed to inform and protect the public. Has the video game industry failed this noble pursuit over the last two generations? Yes, time after time.

But to imply the answer is breaking off contact between game makers and game critics is a huge mistake. Without a watch dog, developers and publishers could sell lies to consumers unabated, planting positive stories with unscrupulous publications and outlets. Such a divorce would set a terrible precedent and would drag an already corrupt industry deeper into ignominy.