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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony's Woes Show Just How Bad Nintendo's Are

Samus Aran said:
DonFerrari said:

So a franchise with over 30 years lack sales because marketing? Have it sold health numbers for all this time while being unknow?? Your answer defeats itself.


And I didn't say it lacks quality. I Said public could disagree with you, critics and other Nintendo fans and you can't prove they wrong or with ill intents. Just different tastes.


I have all Nintendo consoles from nes to Wii, Plus DS and 3DS. Have played most of their flagship games and know when the next games will release. Even so I won't bother buying WiiU for quite some time. A lot of Nintendo games bore me while I deeply appreciate a lot of games available on PS. If I were to choose between gran turismo or the whole Nintendo catalogue I would pick gt.


Why do you think that besides Wii Nintendo consoles have been in constant decline? Because the whole world hates Nintendo are wrong or maybe they value different things than you and Nintendo? Maybe for them quality isn't being bug free (which ninty isn't 100%) or fun isn't jumping on enemies heads or good artistic Vision/direction isn't cartooney graphics. None of those can be proved right or wrong, what we know is that in home consoles Nintendo pleases the market the littlest of the 3 besides the Wii that got a different Market that don't seem to be coming for a second round.

Nintendo's franchises sell well with Nintendo fans, outside of that a lot of people haven't tried them. Plenty of gamers out there who don't want to give Nintendo a fair chance because they think it's for kiddies.

N64 used cartridges instead of cd and they treated third parties like shit: decline

GC used mini-cd instead of dvd: decline

It has nothing to do with the quality of their first party games.

You conveniently ignore Nintendo's handhelds: GBA > GB, DS > GBA

The rest of your post isn't worth responding to, so I'll leave it at that.

Can you please provide the scientific study showing people haven't given Nintendo fair chance? I know several people on my social circle that have played Nintendo and don't care anymore. One nephew this weekend couldn't stop asking me to play Fifa or Tekken on ps3 even though he was playing Mario Strikers and had Soul Calibur and Zelda available there.


In Brasil ninty have a solid fanbase, no console maker advertise in any non-specialized medium. Yet Sony have thrumped ninty handsomely, sega also beat them and at the moment ms is above Sony here.


I didn't ignore handhelds, but if I were to say Nintendo userbase didn't diminished because of it how could anyone say people don't give them a chance? And 3DS is plummeting after DS. Is that because of evil costumer not giving ninty a fair chance?


You seem to struggle quite much to accept Mass Market sincere opinion is that Nintendo isn't as great as you think. I could say by yours comment and other fans on several threads claiming ps/Xbox games are all gray/brow boring, repetitive, uninspired style over substance aren't giving sony/ms fair chance. I for one think most Mario platforms walk/jump muuuuuuuuch more repetitive and uninspired than any fps even though I preffer to play Mario than a fps.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

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POE said:
Marks said:
POE said:

Since launch.

Like what?

Not asking to be a dick, actually curious since I don't pay much attention to the Wii U. My gf has one so wouldn't hurt to know. 

Mario 3d world, PIkmin 3, Donkey KOng Tropial Freeze, Mario Kart 8, Bayonetta 2, Hyrule Warriors, Captain Toad, Super Smash Bros.

I can't help what wonder if people bothered to use Dynasty Warriors 8 in list wars, just to see the scoffing.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

oniyide said:
generic-user-1 said:
fps_d0minat0r said:
generic-user-1 said:

quality isnt a thing that depends on your taste.   and if you dont think nintendo games are high quality games than you never played one-




Were you born in north korea or something?

have you ever played a broken nintendo game? or one with not working controlls?or with Day one dlc that was clearly cut out of the game just to sell it as dlc? or one that missed features the advertised?

you dont have to like em, but you cant argue that nintento games are of low quality...

Metrold Other M had a glitch, Mario Kart 7 had a glitch, Skyward Sword had a game breaking bug. 

Here's the thing so what? You people are missing the point, it doesnt MATTER if Mario is bug less or not, if someone doesnt like Mario it wouldnt matter to them. If they like Assassin's creed then they will play AC because that is the only way they can play AC. Thats like telling someone hey this restaurant cooks better steak than that restaurant across the street that makes ok salad, guess what im a vegan I dont care about steak no matter how well its made

YOU are missing the point, taste isnt the same as quality... do i like steak? sure, would i ever eat a salad? lol no. but when i have to i dont say a salad is bad just because i dont like salad.

sundin13 said:
binary solo said:
Does any console have a must own exclusive? Is there a game on Wii U that has a 100% attach rate? Must own is such a stupid term, because there isn't a video game in all of history that everyone who owned the platform for it bought or played the game.

Fact is PS4 has plenty of good quality games that do not exist on a Nintendo platform and if you want those games you have to choose between PS4, Xb one and PC. And for some good quality games you only have PS4 and PC to choose from.

Nintendo's problem is that the so called must have games it releases are repeats of franchises that are several generations old. In terms of exclusives there's virtually no new IP in Nintendo's top line up of games. Perhaps what gets people coming to Playstation is the frequency with which they bring new IP to the table. Some might flop, some might be merely OK or good and a few turn out to be major gaming masterpieces. People are willing to get behind a company that produces new IP even if a lot of it happens to be underwhelming. Because people know some true gems will come out of that sort of game development philosophy.

Nintendo is still trying to milk success out of Mario, Zelda and Pokemon after how many years and how many games using those central IP?

Must own doesn't mean or imply every one owns it, it just means that the game is good enough that everybody should play it.

As for the so called "Repeats", thats whats interesting with Nintendo. They do have their core franchises, but that doesn't mean they are rehashing anything. Despite the familiar name, these games often bring a lot of new mechanics and ideas to the table. Now, when I look at new IPs across the board what do I see? More often then not, I just see games doing the same thing that others have done countless times, simply with a different name. More often than not, these new IPs come in crowded genres, and really don't break new ground in them.

Look at Mario games and how many different styles are there? Look at Kirby games like Canvas Curse, Epic Yarn, Mass Attack etc...All of those could have easily been new IPs with the amount of new and interesting ideas that were in each of those games, despite falling under the same IP as more traditional Kirby games like Return to Dreamland. Compare Metroid Prime to Other M to Super Metroid and Fusion. Compare Kid Icarus Uprising to KI 1 and 2. Nobody reinvents their franchises like Nintendo, and even within the scope of these familiar names, they have more new ideas than most new IPs.

Really, I haven't seen any new IPs on the PS4 which did anything new, especially when looked at next to games on Wii U like Super Mario 3D World/Kirby's Rainbow Curse (both huge expansions on a handheld game, which had a lot of really interesting ideas) or Splatoon/W101/ZombiU (all interesting new IPs which actually had new ideas in them). I think you could make the argument that D4 and Sunset Overdrive are intersting and unique on the XBO side, but honestly, I haven't seen much on Sony's side.

Well said. People who don't play Nintendo games wouldn't know this though :(" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">

3DS: tolu619

Wii U: FoyehBoys

Vita, PS3 and PS4: FoyehBoys

XBoxOne: Tolu619

Switch: Tolu619

Kugali - We publish comics from all across Africa and the diaspora, and we also push the boundaries of Augmented Reality storytelling. Check us out!

My thread for teaching VGC some Nigerian slangs

DonFerrari said:
Samus Aran said:

Nintendo's franchises sell well with Nintendo fans, outside of that a lot of people haven't tried them. Plenty of gamers out there who don't want to give Nintendo a fair chance because they think it's for kiddies.

N64 used cartridges instead of cd and they treated third parties like shit: decline

GC used mini-cd instead of dvd: decline

It has nothing to do with the quality of their first party games.

You conveniently ignore Nintendo's handhelds: GBA > GB, DS > GBA

The rest of your post isn't worth responding to, so I'll leave it at that.

Can you please provide the scientific study showing people haven't given Nintendo fair chance? I know several people on my social circle that have played Nintendo and don't care anymore. One nephew this weekend couldn't stop asking me to play Fifa or Tekken on ps3 even though he was playing Mario Strikers and had Soul Calibur and Zelda available there.


In Brasil ninty have a solid fanbase, no console maker advertise in any non-specialized medium. Yet Sony have thrumped ninty handsomely, sega also beat them and at the moment ms is above Sony here.


I didn't ignore handhelds, but if I were to say Nintendo userbase didn't diminished because of it how could anyone say people don't give them a chance? And 3DS is plummeting after DS. Is that because of evil costumer not giving ninty a fair chance?


You seem to struggle quite much to accept Mass Market sincere opinion is that Nintendo isn't as great as you think. I could say by yours comment and other fans on several threads claiming ps/Xbox games are all gray/brow boring, repetitive, uninspired style over substance aren't giving sony/ms fair chance. I for one think most Mario platforms walk/jump muuuuuuuuch more repetitive and uninspired than any fps even though I preffer to play Mario than a fps.

Where's your scientific study saying the mass market no longer cares for Nintendo games?

Loads of people think the gamepad is an add-on to the Wii instead of a new console. Nintendo obviously failed in the marketing department. There's my evidence.

Around the Network
DonFerrari said:

Can you please provide the scientific study showing people haven't given Nintendo fair chance? I know several people on my social circle that have played Nintendo and don't care anymore. One nephew this weekend couldn't stop asking me to play Fifa or Tekken on ps3 even though he was playing Mario Strikers and had Soul Calibur and Zelda available there.


In Brasil ninty have a solid fanbase, no console maker advertise in any non-specialized medium. Yet Sony have thrumped ninty handsomely, sega also beat them and at the moment ms is above Sony here.


I didn't ignore handhelds, but if I were to say Nintendo userbase didn't diminished because of it how could anyone say people don't give them a chance? And 3DS is plummeting after DS. Is that because of evil costumer not giving ninty a fair chance?


You seem to struggle quite much to accept Mass Market sincere opinion is that Nintendo isn't as great as you think. I could say by yours comment and other fans on several threads claiming ps/Xbox games are all gray/brow boring, repetitive, uninspired style over substance aren't giving sony/ms fair chance. I for one think most Mario platforms walk/jump muuuuuuuuch more repetitive and uninspired than any fps even though I preffer to play Mario than a fps.

Brazilll, the place where you suppose to love REALISTIC football games no matter what, even when EA recicles their last year FIFA update the rooster then put on  a new case like a new game.

Are you sure there are no advertising in here? because i barely watch TV but yet i have watched 3 xbox1 commercials and watch dogs was showed in its debut in the most famous news channel of Brazil before the 9pm soap opera (when most of the brazilians are with their TV on) : the video is 3 minutes long and they talk a lot about the game. ps4 display can be easily seen during the video



We reap what we sow

Samus Aran said:
DonFerrari said:

Can you please provide the scientific study showing people haven't given Nintendo fair chance? I know several people on my social circle that have played Nintendo and don't care anymore. One nephew this weekend couldn't stop asking me to play Fifa or Tekken on ps3 even though he was playing Mario Strikers and had Soul Calibur and Zelda available there.


In Brasil ninty have a solid fanbase, no console maker advertise in any non-specialized medium. Yet Sony have thrumped ninty handsomely, sega also beat them and at the moment ms is above Sony here.


I didn't ignore handhelds, but if I were to say Nintendo userbase didn't diminished because of it how could anyone say people don't give them a chance? And 3DS is plummeting after DS. Is that because of evil costumer not giving ninty a fair chance?


You seem to struggle quite much to accept Mass Market sincere opinion is that Nintendo isn't as great as you think. I could say by yours comment and other fans on several threads claiming ps/Xbox games are all gray/brow boring, repetitive, uninspired style over substance aren't giving sony/ms fair chance. I for one think most Mario platforms walk/jump muuuuuuuuch more repetitive and uninspired than any fps even though I preffer to play Mario than a fps.

Where's your scientific study saying the mass market no longer cares for Nintendo games?

Loads of people think the gamepad is an add-on to the Wii instead of a new console. Nintendo obviously failed in the marketing department. There's my evidence.

Difference being I said perhaps mass market don't care or don't think Nintendo is quality as you think. While you afirm they don't give Nintendo a fair chance. When the company have been the main for 30 years, sold 100M last gen, had 160M on handheld I can't say the market don't give them a fair chance.


Nintendo failed in a lot of areas, but the market not giving them a chance isn't a provable point and even if true it still is Nintendo fault.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

DonFerrari said:
Samus Aran said:

Where's your scientific study saying the mass market no longer cares for Nintendo games?

Loads of people think the gamepad is an add-on to the Wii instead of a new console. Nintendo obviously failed in the marketing department. There's my evidence.

Difference being I said perhaps mass market don't care or don't think Nintendo is quality as you think. While you afirm they don't give Nintendo a fair chance. When the company have been the main for 30 years, sold 100M last gen, had 160M on handheld I can't say the market don't give them a fair chance.


Nintendo failed in a lot of areas, but the market not giving them a chance isn't a provable point and even if true it still is Nintendo fault.

You do realize my post gives Nintendo the blame?

160rmf said:
DonFerrari said:

Can you please provide the scientific study showing people haven't given Nintendo fair chance? I know several people on my social circle that have played Nintendo and don't care anymore. One nephew this weekend couldn't stop asking me to play Fifa or Tekken on ps3 even though he was playing Mario Strikers and had Soul Calibur and Zelda available there.


In Brasil ninty have a solid fanbase, no console maker advertise in any non-specialized medium. Yet Sony have thrumped ninty handsomely, sega also beat them and at the moment ms is above Sony here.


I didn't ignore handhelds, but if I were to say Nintendo userbase didn't diminished because of it how could anyone say people don't give them a chance? And 3DS is plummeting after DS. Is that because of evil costumer not giving ninty a fair chance?


You seem to struggle quite much to accept Mass Market sincere opinion is that Nintendo isn't as great as you think. I could say by yours comment and other fans on several threads claiming ps/Xbox games are all gray/brow boring, repetitive, uninspired style over substance aren't giving sony/ms fair chance. I for one think most Mario platforms walk/jump muuuuuuuuch more repetitive and uninspired than any fps even though I preffer to play Mario than a fps.

Brazilll, the place where you suppose to love REALISTIC football games no matter what, even when EA recicles their last year FIFA update the rooster then put on  a new case like a new game.

Are you sure there are no advertising in here? because i barely watch TV but yet i have watched 3 xbox1 commercials and watch dogs was showed in its debut in the most famous news channel of Brazil before the 9pm soap opera (when most of the brazilians are with their TV on) : the video is 3 minutes long and they talk a lot about the game. ps4 display can be easily seen during the video

I can't stand annual franchises, buy one Fifa per gen To play with friends. But Fifa really sells good here.


I don't watch much open tv, but when I do I haven't seem ads for vg. But funny enough when x1 was released here there was a barrage of x1+fm5 ads on Sony channel.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Aeolus451 said:
theprof00 said:

Nintendo has always made hits and their consoles never do exceedingly well. Wii was a major exception.

handhelds on the other hand are a different matter.

When you have a series as well known and loved as zelda and metroid, and the two can't even outsell an uncharted game, you know there is a problem with the audience, not the developer.

Problem with the audience? It's more or less nintendo's fault for not making appealing games for gamers today instead of for gamers in the 90's.  Those games are not popular anymore or well known/beloved except for in nintendo's ever decreasing fan base. It would be fairly easy for 'em to change things but the leadership in the company is stubborn beyond a fault. People buy consoles that they think will (or does) have the games they want to play.  Apparently, nintendo is not that console. I like some of their games but it doesn't justify the purchase of a console for a handful of games that I would like. 

This (the underlined) is a very good point. Basically, the same reason I buy Nintendo consoles first, then get other consoles later is the same reason other people get other consoles first, then get (or not get) Nintendo consoles later." type="application/x-shockwave-flash">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">

3DS: tolu619

Wii U: FoyehBoys

Vita, PS3 and PS4: FoyehBoys

XBoxOne: Tolu619

Switch: Tolu619

Kugali - We publish comics from all across Africa and the diaspora, and we also push the boundaries of Augmented Reality storytelling. Check us out!

My thread for teaching VGC some Nigerian slangs