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oniyide said:
generic-user-1 said:
fps_d0minat0r said:
generic-user-1 said:

quality isnt a thing that depends on your taste.   and if you dont think nintendo games are high quality games than you never played one-




Were you born in north korea or something?

have you ever played a broken nintendo game? or one with not working controlls?or with Day one dlc that was clearly cut out of the game just to sell it as dlc? or one that missed features the advertised?

you dont have to like em, but you cant argue that nintento games are of low quality...

Metrold Other M had a glitch, Mario Kart 7 had a glitch, Skyward Sword had a game breaking bug. 

Here's the thing so what? You people are missing the point, it doesnt MATTER if Mario is bug less or not, if someone doesnt like Mario it wouldnt matter to them. If they like Assassin's creed then they will play AC because that is the only way they can play AC. Thats like telling someone hey this restaurant cooks better steak than that restaurant across the street that makes ok salad, guess what im a vegan I dont care about steak no matter how well its made

YOU are missing the point, taste isnt the same as quality... do i like steak? sure, would i ever eat a salad? lol no. but when i have to i dont say a salad is bad just because i dont like salad.