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DonFerrari said:
Samus Aran said:

Nintendo's franchises sell well with Nintendo fans, outside of that a lot of people haven't tried them. Plenty of gamers out there who don't want to give Nintendo a fair chance because they think it's for kiddies.

N64 used cartridges instead of cd and they treated third parties like shit: decline

GC used mini-cd instead of dvd: decline

It has nothing to do with the quality of their first party games.

You conveniently ignore Nintendo's handhelds: GBA > GB, DS > GBA

The rest of your post isn't worth responding to, so I'll leave it at that.

Can you please provide the scientific study showing people haven't given Nintendo fair chance? I know several people on my social circle that have played Nintendo and don't care anymore. One nephew this weekend couldn't stop asking me to play Fifa or Tekken on ps3 even though he was playing Mario Strikers and had Soul Calibur and Zelda available there.


In Brasil ninty have a solid fanbase, no console maker advertise in any non-specialized medium. Yet Sony have thrumped ninty handsomely, sega also beat them and at the moment ms is above Sony here.


I didn't ignore handhelds, but if I were to say Nintendo userbase didn't diminished because of it how could anyone say people don't give them a chance? And 3DS is plummeting after DS. Is that because of evil costumer not giving ninty a fair chance?


You seem to struggle quite much to accept Mass Market sincere opinion is that Nintendo isn't as great as you think. I could say by yours comment and other fans on several threads claiming ps/Xbox games are all gray/brow boring, repetitive, uninspired style over substance aren't giving sony/ms fair chance. I for one think most Mario platforms walk/jump muuuuuuuuch more repetitive and uninspired than any fps even though I preffer to play Mario than a fps.

Where's your scientific study saying the mass market no longer cares for Nintendo games?

Loads of people think the gamepad is an add-on to the Wii instead of a new console. Nintendo obviously failed in the marketing department. There's my evidence.