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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Halo MCC, AC Unity or DriveClub. Which was the biggest mess?


Biggest mess?

Halo Master Chief Collection 199 48.30%
Assassin's Creed Unity 134 32.52%
DriveClub 77 18.69%

Moving from PPC to x86 was supposed to make development easier, cheaper and more predictable. Instead we get broken games, delayed games and we have not seen anything that suggest that it will be cheaper.

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Chazore said:
Dunno why MCC is top of the poll considering the fuck ups Ubisoft has had for ages now, Tetris, The crew, Unity, past creed games etc, 343 makes one codge up and that somehow trumps anything ubisoft has done, look I know ubisoft fuck up on a regular basis but someone fucking up once or twice should never trump one who fucks up a lot.

I see Unity as the biggest fuck up out of the 3, it runs terrible, it's got "micro trans" which aren't micro and have you paying upwards to £100 in game, SLI PC's having trouble, consoles having trouble, a multiplayer issue from MCC is nothing compared to the whole game of Unity not working as any game should, you can say MCC is all about multiplayer but really the game is also about it's story, Creed has always been about story first and multiplayer later, Halo does both, otherwise if you claim multiplayer is the main bread and butter then why waste all the effort towards the story, why bother, why does it exist?.

The microtransactions are ENTIRELY unnecessary. Only needed if you hate playing the game

The face breaking bug was pre-release code on PC only. The PC version is reportedly worse, but there are so many broken PC games it's less of a story or controversy

Consoles are completely fine, just a big chuggy. That's not broken

Unity's broken-ness has been blown absurdly out of proportion

Munkeh111 said:

The microtransactions are ENTIRELY unnecessary. Only needed if you hate playing the game

The face breaking bug was pre-release code on PC only. The PC version is reportedly worse, but there are so many broken PC games it's less of a story or controversy

Consoles are completely fine, just a big chuggy. That's not broken

Unity's broken-ness has been blown absurdly out of proportion

You confuse me, you're saying there are many broken PC games but Creed is multiplat which means it's Ubisoft and a port problem, you must be talking of PC ports in general being broken but even then that's a big problem with the industry, I dunno how MCC can trump a much bigger issue here, it's not really ok to know that PC keeps getting bad ports down the line when we have people like Ubisoft coding for shit and not doing a good enough job.

I wouldn't say it was blown way out, if you've seen ubi's track record you'd know they aren't stellar and their coding jobs have been thoroughly documented and pointed out before, it's not really ok to let them off the hook time and time again because a few people think it's blown out and willingly ignore facts, evidence and previous track recorded history, I mean you may believe it's absurd but I can't, it's just Ubisoft not doing their job.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Chazore said:
Dunno why MCC is top of the poll considering the fuck ups Ubisoft has had for ages now, Tetris, The crew, Unity, past creed games etc, 343 makes one codge up and that somehow trumps anything ubisoft has done, look I know ubisoft fuck up on a regular basis but someone fucking up once or twice should never trump one who fucks up a lot.

I see Unity as the biggest fuck up out of the 3, it runs terrible, it's got "micro trans" which aren't micro and have you paying upwards to £100 in game, SLI PC's having trouble, consoles having trouble, a multiplayer issue from MCC is nothing compared to the whole game of Unity not working as any game should, you can say MCC is all about multiplayer but really the game is also about it's story, Creed has always been about story first and multiplayer later, Halo does both, otherwise if you claim multiplayer is the main bread and butter then why waste all the effort towards the story, why bother, why does it exist?.

The thread is asking which game was the biggest fuck up. You went off topic and used other games as an excuse to nail unity and give halo a free pass.  Reality is unity was patched after a month and halo is still a mess.  

DriveClub didn't have any significant issues in singleplayer mode except were asynchronous multiplayer face-offs didn't load or had ridiculously unobtainable scores. Aside from that there were some crazy crash physics. For a racing game it is very polished. I've not seen any clipping through the map or flying out of the track type glitches in DriveClub yet.

I haven't played AC:U or MCC. AC:U had some crazy  issues that were fixed... And the games FPS never looked too bad at least it was never unplayable FPS . Halo on the other hand is a major highly anticipated franchise with it's most important mode still in ruin... So I have to say it gets my vote for the worst most publicized mess of 2014 and potentially 2015 if it isn't fixed by June.

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Troll_Whisperer said:

We all know 2014 was a bad year for broken games. I even had trouble with the theoretically glitch-free Alien Isolation, which won't display the map for me anymore, UGH =_=. Plus other honorable mentions like DA:I.

But the three that seemed the worst and got all the attention are MCC, ACU and DC. Out of these, which one was the biggest mess?

I'd go with Halo MCC.

Id also go halo i love halo2 mp and was pumped for this game but the lobby is broken, why didn't they use halo2's original lobby system but overall game halo beats the other two playing all the co op campaigns with the misus is great.

Unity or DC most likely. MCC multiplayer was a mess but its singleplayer worked which is the main thing for me.

MikeRox said:
Surprised at the poll. I can't see how the answer can be anything other than Driveclub.

It got utterly hammered in reviews which now no longer reflect in any way whatsoever what the current product is like, and I think it has had a far bigger impact on sales than Master Chief Collections launch issues had.

As for AC: Unity, it was never a decent product in the first place so matters far less.

DriveClub's bad reviews may have impacted sales, but Halo's overly positive reviews didn't help the game. Worse yet is the overly positive reviews of MCC were looked at as a lie due to the nature of the issues users reported. This along with many other very biased reviews is calling into question the reviewers biases as well as game websites and magazines reputations.

Driveclub went on to be the most successful new exclusive IP of the 8th gen so far

VariantFSS said:
MikeRox said:
Surprised at the poll. I can't see how the answer can be anything other than Driveclub.

It got utterly hammered in reviews which now no longer reflect in any way whatsoever what the current product is like, and I think it has had a far bigger impact on sales than Master Chief Collections launch issues had.

As for AC: Unity, it was never a decent product in the first place so matters far less.

DriveClub's bad reviews may have impacted sales, but Halo's overly positive reviews didn't help the game. Worse yet is the overly positive reviews of MCC were looked at as a lie due to the nature of the issues users reported. This along with many other very biased reviews is calling into question the reviewers biases as well as game websites and magazines reputations.

Couldn't agree more. I was shocked when gamespot was one of the few sites to actually give it the proper score.