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Chazore said:
Dunno why MCC is top of the poll considering the fuck ups Ubisoft has had for ages now, Tetris, The crew, Unity, past creed games etc, 343 makes one codge up and that somehow trumps anything ubisoft has done, look I know ubisoft fuck up on a regular basis but someone fucking up once or twice should never trump one who fucks up a lot.

I see Unity as the biggest fuck up out of the 3, it runs terrible, it's got "micro trans" which aren't micro and have you paying upwards to £100 in game, SLI PC's having trouble, consoles having trouble, a multiplayer issue from MCC is nothing compared to the whole game of Unity not working as any game should, you can say MCC is all about multiplayer but really the game is also about it's story, Creed has always been about story first and multiplayer later, Halo does both, otherwise if you claim multiplayer is the main bread and butter then why waste all the effort towards the story, why bother, why does it exist?.

The microtransactions are ENTIRELY unnecessary. Only needed if you hate playing the game

The face breaking bug was pre-release code on PC only. The PC version is reportedly worse, but there are so many broken PC games it's less of a story or controversy

Consoles are completely fine, just a big chuggy. That's not broken

Unity's broken-ness has been blown absurdly out of proportion