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Forums - Sales Discussion - Sony Q3 FY15 Results - Beats Market Expectations & 6.4 Million Shipped PS4's

Vita is undertacked and we have the proof now!!! And nobody believed me...

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Dr.Vita said:
Vita is undertacked and we have the proof now!!! And nobody believed me...

I bought one

ethomaz said:
Dr.Vita said:
Vita is undertacked and we have the proof now!!! And nobody believed me...

I bought one

Nice! Hope you have fun with.

Dr.Vita said:

Nice! Hope you have fun with.

Destiny Remote Play runs amazing good (way better than I expected)... so I'm having a lot of fun.

Sony increased the PS4/PS3 forecast to 17.5m... 0.5m more than what they predicted in March last year.

I think they can reach 18 million... I believe... it is at 15.1m right... only 2.9m next quarter.

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The only thing I'm not happy with is the low amount of PS3s shipped. It shipped 0.8 million in the last q, and it's only up to 1.1 million in the holiday?

Dr.Vita said:
Vita is undertacked and we have the proof now!!! And nobody believed me...

You da man, doc. You da man~ :)

Teeqoz said:
The only thing I'm not happy with is the low amount of PS3s shipped. It shipped 0.8 million in the last q, and it's only up to 1.1 million in the holiday?

It's been needing a price drop for a while now. 

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

Dr.Vita said:
Vita is undertacked and we have the proof now!!! And nobody believed me...

Does the vita now have a chance versus the Wii U?  You should make a thread! 

Fusioncode said:
Teeqoz said:
The only thing I'm not happy with is the low amount of PS3s shipped. It shipped 0.8 million in the last q, and it's only up to 1.1 million in the holiday?

It's been needing a price drop for a while now. 

Yeah, I've been saying this for a while. Cut the price to 200$ for the 500GB sku, and cut it to like 179 for the 12 GB flash sku (or just cut this sku altogether because it sucks).


EDIT: Oh, and I've noticed on Amazon that the PS3 had a price promotion. You wouldn't by any chance know if this covers all of US and is permanent?