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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Amazon US february monthly bestsellers and general Amazon based discussion

monthly got an update

ps4 #9
xb1 #11
wiiu #71


and the xb1 promo week
xb1 #4
ps4 #14

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Any way, good boost for XBO in Amazon, even if probabily tomorrow PS4 will back the best seller console...
Very close actually!
XBO: #8
PS4: #9

PS4 should be back above X1 soon

The Order holding decently.

mornelithe said:
Ryng_Tolu said:
As i have predict, The Order is now in top 40... Out of TOP 100 soon.

Anything to take your mind off of the Wii-U's performance, I guess :D

No sense of this comment:

celador said:
PS4 should be back above X1 soon

The Order holding decently.

Yep, quite nicely.  Especially since some thought it would be out of the Top 100 before Feb was over.  I guess Feb still has two days left, but if things continue as is, it won't be til March that it drops out of the Top 100.

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GribbleGrunger said:
bananaking21 said:

there is a photo mode in the order? 

They're working on it at the moment. They're having a slight problem because the engine is used for cutscenes. Basically, it means that if they allow people to use photomode during cutscenes, they will be able to swing the camera around and see the lighting which is placed in specific areas for effect. I personally don't see a problem with that. Yes, a few people will probably take photos at awkward angles to try and make some things look bad but the majority won't.

or they could just disable it during cut scenes?

Ryng_Tolu said:
mornelithe said:

Anything to take your mind off of the Wii-U's performance, I guess :D

No sense of this comment:


On topic,  the order is holding very nicely it must be said. 

celador said:
PS4 should be back above X1 soon

The Order holding decently.

Indeed. Let's hope in week 2 they are still within the top 50.


Back to the discussion, surprised that the PS3 isn't moving up as much as it was in the earlier weeks. Wonder if the PS3 can end up winning an NPD for a change. Wolfenstein is dropping hard; sadly the same with the Xbox One. 

" It has never been about acknowledgement when you achieve something. When you are acknowledged, then and only then can you achieve something. Always have your friends first to achieve your goals later." - OnlyForDisplay

X1 is stubbornly holding on, I see. The PS4 was gaining ground on the X1 yesterday though it was at a very slow pace. We might have to wait a while until the PS4 takes the lead again.

Is MH4U really doing that well? LoZ im surprised its been the top software for awhile