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Forums - General Discussion - Would you date a transsexual?


Well, would you?

Definitively. 80 7.70%
Yes, but only if attracti... 139 13.38%
Yes...but only completely post-op. 26 2.50%
I don't know. 74 7.12%
Probably not; I would be ... 113 10.88%
No. 374 36.00%
Transsexuality is disgusting. 155 14.92%
You're weird, Wright. 78 7.51%

Post-op, probably. Before, hell no. I'm straight, and I expect my partner to be fully female. Her past doesn't matter that much though, but I'm sure it'd be an awkward situation anyway if I ever happened to run into one.

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No definitely not. If the person was cool I'd have no problems being friends.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
thismeintiel said:

Hadn't really heard of Bee til this thread.  But, yea, I think even the most straight guy would question things (even if just a little) after seeing pics of them.  It definitely doesn't help that they actually sound like women, too. 

Most male cross-dressers are straight males so that it would make sense to see straight guys question themselves.



Better chance in hell freezing over, to put it bluntly

I prefer procreation the good ol fashioned way.

This is the first time ever I ever read (heard) such a question. I need to think about it first.

My bet with The_Liquid_Laser: I think the Switch won't surpass the PS2 as the best selling system of all time. If it does, I'll play a game of a list that The_Liquid_Laser will provide, I will have to play it for 50 hours or complete it, whatever comes first. 

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Metallox said:
This is the first time ever I ever read (heard) such a question. I need to think about it first.

Take all the time you need.

No, I don't think so. Sorry

Wright said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Most male cross-dressers are straight males so that it would make sense to see straight guys question themselves.



Yes, you can look this up. The majority of male cross dressers are straight. :)


NND: 0047-7271-7918 | XBL: Nights illusion | PSN: GameNChick

PieToast said:

Absolutely. Pre-op specifically

I realized two years ago that I was atracked to men. My self respect grew when I finally accepted that but I knew my interest in women didn't change much. I dont want to classify myself as gay or straight because I'm really fickle and it's very hard for me to maintain a relationship with either girls or boys. I'm sure about two things though, I dislike very masculine and vey feminine people, and I've always had a certain admiration for androgynous people ever since I was young but I didn't know it was actually sexual attraction then.

I'm still in the closet and I only said that to one person IRL but here I'm just an other anon on the Internet.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to get this off my chest, Wright.

Seems like you're bi-sexual my friend. People who are bi-sexual have more sexual options so it would make sense that they would date a transsexual. Nothing wrong at all with coming out about it. Hope this helps.


If you're into androgynous types, and you can find those a lot more these days. Japanese culture also seems to have a fascination with them in their animations as i've seen.