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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What was the first Game you ever played?

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Super Mario Land. My Gameboy in 1994 was the first game related device I got ever. That was the first game I put in it.

ExplodingBlock said:

Kirby and the Amazing Mirror
It felt like it was just yesterday, but it has already been 10 years. Those were the good ol days, but now they are gone, forever ingrained as memories

Damn you're young.

Kirby's Dream Land is the first game I remember playing.

It was sometime in the second half of 1995. I was not quite four years old yet. My mother, who worked part-time as a sort of consultant at the time, had recently gotten a shiny new laptop with Windows 95. I haven't seen that laptop in a while (I last used in circa 2007 when writing a paper for high school), but it was a thick gray thing that would be mistaken for a brick nowadays. It used the hard Floppy Disks, had about 1.5 GB of storage and under 20 MB of RAM, etc. I remember being impressed by it, and I suppose it must have been a good machine if I was using it for homework assignments over a decade later.

Anyhow, the Windows 95 came bundled with Solitaire. That's the card game with seven piles of cards that you have to sort through and organize based on numerical value and suit. Basically, the back in the late 80's was that people would be scared of using a mouse, so the game would be a low-stakes way of improving one's skills.

I spent a fair amount of time in the room in my house where my mother did her work, and saw her on her computer quite a bit. Naturally, I saw her playing Solitaire every ten minutes (Mom, if you see this, that was a joke). Somehow, between watching this and Sesame Street's explanation of numbers, I learned quite a bit. One day, when she was off doing something and I was curious, so I went over to her laptop, opened the Start menu, picked the corresponding icon, and started placing low value black/red cards on large red/black ones.

When my mother came back, she was somewhat surprised. This was the first time to her knowledge that I had ever touched that laptop, and I had apparently learned enough by watching from a distance to navigate the desktop, play the game, and do so using that little mouse nub that was used instead of the mouse-pads of today. That's why I didn't get into too much trouble for playing with the Big and Expensive machine for Mom's Work.

What's funny is, I was, and still am, pretty bad at Solitaire. There was a point around 2009 where I was winning about half of my games, but as a little kid, I was pretty pathetic. But when I was allowed to play the game in the future, I would often do so, despite the likelihood of failure. On the rare instance I won though, it was all worth it.

Best Victory Screen of PC Gaming History.

Impossible to know. Probably either;

Gunfighter on G7000 (which is Showdown in 2100 on Odyssey2 outside Europe)
Super Mario Bros. on NES
Duck Hunt on NES
Soccer on NES

Started with my first game around maybe 1992, but played games from before the period because my mother still owned an old 2nd Gen console from the late 70s and my aunt was a fairly hardcore gamer at the time so she owned an NES with a few games. My aunt also got an SNES around that time with A Link to the Past, so technically it's even possible that Zelda was my first game, but I don't think so.

I am sure about what my first PC game was though. In 1996 we got our first home computer, which was a Macintosh Performa, with SimTower and Star Wars Rebel Assault 2. I played the latter first.

Sadly that old G7000 broke years later, but I replaced it a couple years ago by getting a second and mixing and matching the best preserved parts of each. The original NES and SNES and the games are in the hands of my cousins, while I got my own pair and games later on. That Macintosh computer is still installed, and gets used every so often.

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Salnax said:


Best Victory Screen of PC Gaming History.

I always found it fun that the faster your computer was the quicker that animation was over. On some computers you barely had time to see it.

Signature goes here!

The first game I played Jurassic Park for the Sega Game Gear, which I got for Christmas.
The following Christmas I got Mario Kart 64 and a few N64 games.
The Christmas after that I got Pokemon Blue.

Games I have Finished

First video game memories I have are with my cousin's Coleco vision with Donkey Kong! I was hooked right away...

I can't remember but I believe SMB or SMB3.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

Snesboy said:
ExplodingBlock said:

Kirby and the Amazing Mirror
It felt like it was just yesterday, but it has already been 10 years. Those were the good ol days, but now they are gone, forever ingrained as memories

Damn you're young.

Kirby's Dream Land is the first game I remember playing.

You actually don't have to start gaming when you are an infant

When Kirby and the Amazing Mirror came out has nothing to do with my age, just when I started to play video games

Not everyone starts that young