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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What was the first Game you ever played?

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Mario Kart Double Dash!

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I think it was the first crash bandicoot.

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No clue. Definitely an Atari 2600 game, but your guess is as good as mine regarding which one it was.

Super Mario Bros. on NES all the way back in 1989.

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.

Not sure exactly, but it was one of these from local arcade - Galaxian, Pac-Man, Phoenix or Centipede. Though, when I think about it, I'm pretty sure it was Phoenix after all.

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Got a NES with Super Mario Bros 3 for Xmas in 1992 I think. Not a bad first game :)

Either Astroids or Pong.

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Super Mario Bros.

Either Alex Kidd in Miracle World or Donkey Kong on Coleco Vision. I don't quite remember which one I played first.

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I can't remember which was actually the very first as it was 25ish years ago. I think it might have been Star Trek on Atari. But it might have been something on the Apple II.