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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz Greatest User Tournament 2014 - Stage 1 - Round 13

2p - anfebious WE'ARENT INTERACT!
1p - olatawuron WE AREN'T INTERACT!

Around the Network

5 Vivster (How ya doin, my sarcastic, snarky little buddy?)
4 Anfebious
3 Axum
2 Outlawauron
1 Slarvax

Teeqoz said:
5 Vivster (How ya doin, my sarcastic, snarky little buddy?)
4 Anfebious
3 Axum
2 Outlawauron
1 Slarvax

Fine, thanks. Though it looks like I'm getting a beating from Axum and Slarvax^^

I would vote for Anfebious but I don't want to vote for myself.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Ugh, give me a minute to figure out who to vote for. I like everyone.

Thanks to all those who voted for me though! It was a very tough round so congrats to Badgenome also.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Alright let's go.

5 - Axum (Great taste in profile pictures, in games, and in mods. Actually maybe that last one should give him 1 point...but his posts are always fun to read and he's a great guy to talk to, so he can keep 5).

4 - Slarvax (I can't begin to describe how grateful I am for all his work in my thread and around the site; without him I would be nothing).

3 - Outlaw (He's a mainstay now, and although timezones and other commitments keep up apart, nothing will be better than a good chat with him).

2 - Vivster (10,000 posts in and still going strong. He's an awesome guy who definitely has his moments, here's to another 10,000!).

1 - Anfebious (I wish I could put you higher, because the few times I've chatted to you off site have been awesome. In other rounds you almost certainly would have, but I haven't seen you as active lately and that's a shame).

As I said, other rounds all 5 of these could have got top points. How cruel you are,!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Around the Network

5p - axumblade (One of the best users on the site, a brilliant mod as well)
4p - outlawauron (Another really good user)
3p - vivster (Regularly has awesome avatars)
2p - Slarvax (I don't see you around much but you seem like a great guy)
1p - Anfebious (I don't see you around much but you seem like a great guy)

I just completely agree with Ka-pi's votes!

The One and Only

5p - Slarvax
4p - Vivster
3p - Anfebious
2p - Axumblade
1p - outlawauron

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

Ka-pi96 said:
What a hard round!

5p - axumblade (One of the best users on the site, a brilliant mod as well)
4p - outlawauron (Another really good user)
3p - vivster (Regularly has awesome avatars)
2p - Slarvax (I don't see you around much but you seem like a great guy)
1p - Anfebious (I don't see you around much but you seem like a great guy)

So you only like me for my looks?

I feel dirty.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

5p - Anfebious (Awesome user who I've known since I first joined the site! (Also, I think he was my first VGFriend or something))
4p - Slarvax (Also an awesome user, and a fellow Breaking Bad fan to top it off!)
3p - vivster (Great user who I see around often)
2p - Axumblade (Haven't seen you a lot recently)
1p - outlawauron (Haven't interacted with you a lot)

5P- Vivster ( The person who I have had the most contact with, and I love the cheeky bunneh!! )
4P- Axumblade ( Mod + Ratchet and Clank Avatar )
3P-Slarvax ( I have seen you around )
2P- Anfebious ( I have seen you around )
1P- Outlawrun ( Havne't seen you that much )

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