What the...? Guys, it sold more than 3000,000 in the US. Are you guys stupid?
What the...? Guys, it sold more than 3000,000 in the US. Are you guys stupid?
qwertyDANIELqwerty said: What the...? Guys, it sold more than 3000,000 in the US. Are you guys stupid? |
It can be shipped, not sold.
DerNebel said:
True, that can happen if MS seriously backs this project then it definitely has the potential to become their biggest franchise. |
I highly doubt Scalebound will put up any better umbers than Sunset Overdrive.
badgenome said:
I wouldn't worry about it. This seems like a perfect thread for this discussion. I know NPD isn't spot on about everything, but it says a lot that these corporations bother to craft their PR around their numbers. I don't think ioi is just guessing, of course, but software tends to be way overtracked here. And it only gets worse over time because VGC continues to track sales for games that literally cannot be selling any more new copies. |
curl-6 said:
Again, if the 8th gen is indicative of what a market ruled by third parties look like, I can scarcely remember a less interesting time to be a gamer. |
We're just going to have to disagree there, then. The SNES era was my least favorite in gaming. SO many clones and SO many bad movie and TV tie-in games. Probably more trash games released during the SNES era than any other except the Atari era. That it was completely dominated by only a few genres certainly didn't help, either.
pokoko said:
We're just going to have to disagree there, then. The SNES era was my least favorite in gaming. SO many clones and SO many bad movie and TV tie-in games. Probably more trash games released during the SNES era than any other except the Atari era. That it was completely dominated by only a few genres certainly didn't help, either. |
I dunno man, the NES era had a hell of a lot of duds, haha.
But yeah, agree to disagree. :)
VG Chartz says it sold 330k in the Americas
Can Latin America be responsible for 200k copies of Bayonetta 2? I think it´s very unlikely
Obs.: Where exactly Nintendo said that Bayonetta 2 sold 135k in the U.S.? On that NeoGAf thread there´s not even any mention of it on the articles.: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=972713
S.T.A.G.E. said: This is why third parties who opt to work with Nintendo of their own accord should step back from Nintendo until Nintendo creates a profitable grounds for them while being a third party for Nintendo. Sony and Microsoft have been doing it for years, and Nintendo had in the past. The problem with Nintendo doing that in the past is they had control over third parties back then. Everyone had to do everything their way. I will buy this game when I get my Wii U but Nintendo deserves this. |
I get where your coming from here but I don't think Nintendo deserve it.
Nintendo was right to get Bayonetta. They was right to get an exclusive Lego game. They was right to get an exclusive core game from Ubisoft in ZombiU.
Lego games are huge and think about Ubisoft. One of the bigger 3rd party developers actually made an exclusive for Nintendo. When was the last time that happened for MS/Sony? Nintendo really pushed it to, with day one bundles etc.
Bayonetta was a critical success last gen. The sequel hasn't sold well because that fanbase didn't exist on Wii U. Point is Nintendo were trying to cater to the core audience, if all those people got a Wii U instead of moaning that it wasn't on their console of choice then other 3rd parties may have looked at the Wii U and thought it was worth developing for. Success breeds success.
I know its a completely different scale but when Final Fantasy went form Nintendo to Sony no one cared less. They just got FFVII on PS and helped that console go on to be the huge success it was.
I wonder what fate awaits Street Fighter V.
Don't get me wrong Nintendo have done A LOT wrong with the Wii U but the 3 games I've mentioned above (B2, LCU & ZombiU) are good examples of them getting good exclusives that deserved to increase the userbase of the U and diversify the SW library much more than they did.
qwertyDANIELqwerty said: What the...? Guys, it sold more than 3000,000 in the US. Are you guys stupid? |
Yep. That seems to be just a random guess by a random NeoGaf user.
So there´s no proof at all of Bayo2 being overtracked?