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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Did Microsoft just force Nintendo's hand?

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Should they reduce the price of the Wii U?

Yes, it's overdue. 220 61.45%
No, it's fine. 97 27.09%
Not sure. 41 11.45%

Ultimately Nintendo will be doing constant market research on people's buying intentions and desires. If their research indicated a significant increase in sales if they dropped the price by, say, $50, then they would do.

Nintendo are concerned solely with profitability, as they don't have Gold or PS+ which effectively doubles down on the cost of the console. If they drop the price by a sixth, they would then need to sell over a sixth more consoles to make up the lost revenue. And that's assuming that the Wii U could be profitably sold at $250, if not then they would just be increasing their losses. At the end of the day, Sony and Microsoft are using a subscription based business model, which relies on having subscribers, Nintendo is using a hardware based model, where each unit sold has to produce its own profit.

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I can see a WiiU pricecut happen later this year, probably after E3!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

They dont like being behind Sony, they'll wait for profit.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
TheGoldenBoy said:
I don't think Nintendo gives a fuck what Sony and Microsoft are doing.

Interesting. Pray tell then.....why are they paying for third and second party exclusives.

Because they think it'll be profitable venture? They're all about profits and the I expect that most of the business decisions they make are solely towards that, at least for this generation.

TheGoldenBoy said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Because they think it'll be profitable venture? They're all about profits and the I expect that most of the business decisions they make are solely towards that, at least for this generation.

Interesting, then why were they so third party hungry before the Wii U launched? Reggie even went so far as to say that COD on the Wii U was the most powerful version when it came to graphics? Nintendo is not beyond the games that Sony and Microsoft are playing. They want the third party sales too. Third parties wont budge unless Nintendo works with them.

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S.T.A.G.E. said:
TheGoldenBoy said:

Because they think it'll be profitable venture? They're all about profits and the I expect that most of the business decisions they make are solely towards that, at least for this generation.

Interesting, then why were they so third party hungry before the Wii U launched? Reggie even went so far as to say that COD on the Wii U was the most powerful version when it came to graphics? Nintendo is not beyond the games that Sony and Microsoft are playing. They want the third party sales too. Third parties wont budge unless Nintendo works with them.

I don't disagree with what you're saying but like I said at this point Nintendo mostly cares about making as much profit as they can. I think they realize the Wii U has pretty much reached its potential and they best they can do is satisfy the current owners and hope for better next generation.

DexInDaJungle said:
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

Wait so how did "Microsoft just force Nintendo's hand?"

Cause since Nintendo hasn't made a price cut yet... Microsoft didn't force anything from Nintendo?

By reducing their price yet again for good it simply makes the Wii U a lot less appealing in the eye of the casual, even more so than before.

but thats the thing, Nintendo is not going after the casual gamer.

Nice thread Dex!

I disagree that Nintendo has had their hand forced by this, but similarly I'd be surprised if Nintendo don't cut the price soon (because we're probably due one in fairness)


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Would a lower price really open the floodgates for Wii U? I'm sure there aren't a lot of untapped potential like with the PS3 and 3DS waiting for a price drop to hop on board. Its selling the way it's supposed to and there's not much that can jump sales, and Nintendo knows this. That's why they're doing their best to maximize profits instead of marketshare.

Wii U still did not have price cut because Nintendo is chasing profit, but around E3 or in November there will be price cut to $249.