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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - No Charger Included!? Seriously!?

No biggie, I'm sure Ninty will come out with a bundle with the charger in the future xD

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A post from another user on this that sums up my feelings.

MikeCharlie117 • 8 minutes ago
Is it hand cranked? Solar powered? Have they achieved nuclear fusion and managed to may a reactor that can fit in the palm of your hand? No? Then it needs a charger in the box."

"They think I'm crazy, but I know better. It is not I who am crazy, it is I who am MAD!"



"Bolshe, luchshe, I kruche"

PS4 controllers don't have a cable included either.......that's different though since there's one included with the system itself and it can be charged with just about any smartphone charger.

iTechHeads said:
PS4 controllers don't have a cable included either.......that's different though since there's one included with the system itself and it can be charged with just about any smartphone charger.

Did you really just answer youself? lol

It's because they want to bring in new customers.

4 ≈ One

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Wasn't there a similar thread when the system was announced for Japan?

I completely understand people not finding favour with this but.......Nintendo saves their existing customers a few dollars (and themselves in the process). If you are a potential new customer and this puts you off, then it's probably best you didn't waste 200 dollars anyway. And for the percentage making a fuss, do you really care that much?

Mystro-Sama said:
ktay95 said:
They are thinking $199 looks a lot better than $219 (or however much the charger costs their)
Plus they are saving money of current owners of one so really its best for the consumer.
Is it that hard to grab a charger too if you need it??

You're kidding me right? Both those excuses are weak. If you think a simple plastic charger is worth $20 then you're insane. And this isn't doing previous owners any favours. There are people out there who would like having more than one charger.

If you want a charger, then buy one, no one will stop you.  As for me, I have multiple compatible chargers in my house and I don't need another.  The things people get all worked up over.

Stop hating and start playing.

Chazore said:
platformmaster918 said:
ktay95 said:
They are thinking $199 looks a lot better than $219 (or however much the charger costs their)
Plus they are saving money of current owners of one so really its best for the consumer.
Is it that hard to grab a charger too if you need it??

people who want to trade theirs in can't without a charger.

And that's the main issue I was about to point out, I want to buy the new model but I can't shave any of the price off it without handing in my charger with my regular 3DS, ergo Nintendo are forcing me to give my charger away while shaving very little off the new device while at the same time getting me to buy yet another new charger because they simply can't accept one without a charger, what bat shit insane logic is that?.

I was lucky to get a charger with my regular 3DS back in Oct 2013 but that was only because the other models didn't actually include one and on my island chargers cost up to £15 which I wasn't willing to pay extra for, one elss option down which made the crystal white the only choice to go for, even then it was bundled with a game I didn't want so HMV was kind enough to buy the game back from me which put the handheld down to a regular would be price.

I can't understand those who defend the decision though, Sony's vita memory card prices and system is bad enough but like others have said this is like buying a car without the tyres, it shouldn't work that way at all, I buy a phone and always get a charger, I buy a console and always get a plug, I buy a PSU for my PC and always get a plug, I always got a charger with my Nintendo handhelds right up until the 3DS.

Look at it from a business point of view, Nintendo gets to save money for some reason beyond logic and customers get two less options when it comes to new product choice, I really don't see how anyone could defend it, just because it happened and sold well before doesn't make it right, you want to make it as fair as possible for all parties, not just your own because you think it's fair to you.

I'd say this is more like buying a new car with only half  tank of gas instead of a full tank ... it's going to cost you 15 bucks to fill her up.

Dgc1808 said:
It's because they want to bring in new customers.

How is this helping new customers?

Its a proprietary charger, they should add the thing.
If Microsoft tried selling the xbox without a powerbrick you'd call them out on it, so why not nintendo?

Parent buys their kid a 3ds for christmas, doesnt know it doesnt come with a charger, kid opens it christmas day, uses up the initial charge reaches for the charger, finds nothing, now what, its christmas day and nowhere is open?

If they wanna cheap out and not include a charger they should put a non proprietory charge port on it.