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Forums - Gaming Discussion - what is the best 3rd party game on wii u?


?Best non nintendo published game.

Assassins creed 3 or 4 8 4.17%
Deus ex HR 40 20.83%
Splinter cell black list 5 2.60%
Zombi U 40 20.83%
Ninja gaiden 3 RE 9 4.69%
COD black ops 2 or ghosts 5 2.60%
Sonic lost world 5 2.60%
NFS Most wanted U 9 4.69%
Rayman legends 68 35.42%
Watchdogs 3 1.56%

Decent third party games on wii u are so rare these days that they're becoming an endangered species, but of the meager amount available which one is the best? Allowing for some minor framerate issues i'd have to say that the best game is assassins creed IV black flag but that's just my opinion what's yours? I must point out that i am only talking about full retail games so this does not include eshop or VC games like shovel knight etc. BTW i couldn't include Lego city undercover in the poll because nintendo published it and i also couldn't include sonic racing transformed, mass effect 3 or batman arkham city because there are only 10 slots available and Monster hunter 3 ultimate is just an expanded wii port so there's no room for that either. Ninja gaiden 3 RE is published by nintendo but not in all regions that's why I included it.

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Not comparing them to other versions, then Mass Effect 3 or Arkham City. Otherwise, Rayman Legends or Zombiu.

Exclusives:  Zombie U
Ports: Batman AC
Multi: Rayman Legends

Rayman Legends

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I loved Lego City. Definitely my favourite lego game

Zombie U, Lego City or Rayman Legends

Click HERE and be happy 

Lego City and Rayman

For me Sonic Racing Transformed but I suspect Rayman Legends might be the true answer its just I don't have Rayman on wii u only on PS3 and PC.

The correct answer here is Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag