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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Zelda Elimination Game (Updated! The Winner is...)

-Ocarina of Time

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wangjingwanjia said:
Samus Aran said:

So many people seemingly (?) stuck in the past lol.

Why bother making new Zelda games if the first 3D one was the best? Nintendo should kill off the franchise if people think OoT is the best. They're obviously not doing a good job if they can't improve.

Clearly 15 fps is the way to go for the next Zelda.

Well, I guess that most of the younger fans will prefer the newer Zelda titles, such as TP or SS. And probably some of the handheld titles as well above both OoT and ALttP.

But in my opinion yes, OoT and ALttP are close to perfection. I would prefer a remastered version of one of those games instead of a new Zelda. But I still want new Zelda's to be released. I enjoy almost every single one of them and Minish Cap is also in the top for my part, perhaps even better than ALttP. 

My biggest problem with the new Zelda's is that they change too much and there's always some flaws for me to make me like the games less. In TP I really didn't enjoy the turn-into-a-wolf-part, but the other half of the game was great. And in SS I thought the new sword mechanics were too inaccurate and made it even difficult at times to play. In WW the boat-travelling was tiring, and the ocean-hunt for triforce pieces. In MM the night-and-day thing got me tired really quickly, it was just a big letdown for me. So in basically every new Zelda after OoT there's something I dislike, but love the games nonetheless.

In OoT, ALttP and Minish Cap there's not really anything that I don't like about them. All the elements of the games are good or even really good. And if you look at those games they are pretty much "classic" Zelda's in many ways. They are simple and enjoyable.

So for me to really enjoy a new Zelda it would have to "go back to its roots" so to say, and don't change too much or introduce some really crazy stuff. But I know the new Zelda U will introduce something new, Nintendo always do that, so I can only hope for it to be enjoyable and for Nintendo to show me I am wrong. :)

Agree with pretty much everything but the change part. Change is good, as long as it is for the better. 

Wind Waker should have died b4 Link's Awakening and TP...




English is not my native language


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wangjingwanjia said:

Well, I guess that most of the younger fans will prefer the newer Zelda titles, such as TP or SS. And probably some of the handheld titles as well above both OoT and ALttP.

But in my opinion yes, OoT and ALttP are close to perfection. I would prefer a remastered version of one of those games instead of a new Zelda. But I still want new Zelda's to be released. I enjoy almost every single one of them and Minish Cap is also in the top for my part, perhaps even better than ALttP. 

My biggest problem with the new Zelda's is that they change too much and there's always some flaws for me to make me like the games less. In TP I really didn't enjoy the turn-into-a-wolf-part, but the other half of the game was great. And in SS I thought the new sword mechanics were too inaccurate and made it even difficult at times to play. In WW the boat-travelling was tiring, and the ocean-hunt for triforce pieces. In MM the night-and-day thing got me tired really quickly, it was just a big letdown for me. So in basically every new Zelda after OoT there's something I dislike, but love the games nonetheless.

In OoT, ALttP and Minish Cap there's not really anything that I don't like about them. All the elements of the games are good or even really good. And if you look at those games they are pretty much "classic" Zelda's in many ways. They are simple and enjoyable.

So for me to really enjoy a new Zelda it would have to "go back to its roots" so to say, and don't change too much or introduce some really crazy stuff. But I know the new Zelda U will introduce something new, Nintendo always do that, so I can only hope for it to be enjoyable and for Nintendo to show me I am wrong. :)

I don't get how any "older" Zelda fan can talk about Zelda needs to "go back to it's roots," and yet call a game like OoT, a game which goes against literally everything Zelda was based on, near perfect. It's Ocarina's fault every Zelda since, aside from Wind Waker, has gotten more linear.

OoT is not classic Zelda. Zelda 1, 2, and 3 are classic Zelda. And even giving ALttP too much credit is doing classic, real Zelda a disservice. It's what started the streak of linear Zelda in the first place.

To me, and frankly to anyone who truly appeciates what Zelda really is and was always supposed to be, it's Zelda 1, Zelda 3, Wind Waker, and ALBW. Those are the only Zelda games period that stick, to some degree, to Zelda's roots. Exploration. Every other game makes compromises. Games like MM and other sequel spin offs can be forgiven, because they're meant only to be twists of what the base game founded. OoT, TP, and SS especially have absolutely no excuse.

Zelda is meant to be the polar opposite of Mario. Mario is linear and platforming based. Zelda is open and action based. All these new Zelda's are on rails, including OoT. OoT was fine because it did Zelda in 3D and made a good game at the same time. It's offensive consessions to openess were forgiven because the N64 was limited. The complete overhaul of how dungeons work aren't nearly as forgivable. This "Puzzelda" that started with OoT isn't "classic" Zelda. It's not even Zelda. It's no where near the best in the series. Even TP is a technically better game than OoT at what OoT does, but none of them are good at what Zelda does. 

How anyone can say that new Zelda games "change too much," yet OoT is "classic" is absolutely beyond me. Even more astonishing, how any older Zelda fan can say that Zelda U is "doing something new" when it's the only 3D Zelda other than Wind Waker to even try to return to the roots of the franchise: Unadulterated exploration.

Look, like what you like. Everyone has different tastes and that's all well and good, but your tastes are absolutely not for "classic" Zelda. They are for newer Zelda. Fans of classic Zelda envied Skyrim, because newer Zelda could have done it better and sooner, but didn't. Fans of classic Zelda looked at Dark Souls and were instantly reminded of what Zelda dungeons used to be like, and in turn what it could have been now if Puzzelda didn't change it for the worse. Fans of classic Zelda were estatic to hear that ALBW would finally let players explore the world and it's dungeons "in any order" again, only to be a little disappointed when it didn't go far enough. Fans of Zelda feel discusted when a Zelda game is praised for "starting" in "less than 20 munites," when it should have really started in less than one minute. Fans of classic Zelda see Zelda U as the potential first true successor to Zelda 1, the only true "classic Zelda."

And no ones claiming that Zelda 1 is the best in the series; every single game since has made some improvement over the last in some regard, but every single one since should be ashamed that they made some compromise that prevented a true classic game like Zelda U from happening much sooner.

I'd can't say I'd rather have a remake than a new Zelda because, if this game just starts you off with a sword, no explanation, and simply says "go," we'll finally have something better.

//rant over.

Sorry. It just literally makes me fume when people call OoT "classic Zelda." OoT was amazing for what it did for 3D gaming as a whole, not for what it did for the Zelda franchise. It's even one of my favorite games. Even one of my favorite Zelda's, but that doesn't mean it's what Zelda games to aspire to. It's what Zelda games should always shy away from.

OoT -


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