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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why don't the people who buy a PS4/Xbone buy a Wii U instead?


Which console's library is better?

Wii U 331 44.61%
PS4 282 38.01%
Xbone 52 7.01%
Yo Mama 77 10.38%

Because I'm sure a lot of people don't really care about ratings that much and just buy the games they like which might be on PS4 instead of Wii U.

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I didn't buy it because i can't stand the controller.

UltimateUnknown said:

Why is it that people are buying the PS4 (18.5 mil) and Xbone (10 mil) in droves while the Wii U is left behind in the dust (8.81 mil) despite being out in the market for twice the amount of time? If you ask the Nintendo fans around here (and even many critics), they will tell you that the Wii U has some of the highest rated games amongst all consoles. So what gives?

Why is it that some people are buying the WiiU instead of a cheaper PS3 or Xbox360 despite being out in the market for 3 to 4 times? If you ask the Playstation or Xbox fans around here (and even many critics), they will tell you that the PS3 and 360 both have a much better game catalogue and  many of the highest rated games amongst all consoles. So what gives?

I3LuEI3omI3eR said:

So elighten me why? You invalid me but don't state any reasons why. Let me know since I have a PS3 where 85% of the PS4 games come out for it anyway. And no I could care less by how better the game looks  on the PS4.

Exclusives. It shouldn't be hard to understand (and no, it's not because of "grafixx") why someone would prefer Killzone + Infamous + Driveclub + others released and upcoming over Mk8, smash etc. Specially when everyone I know IRL does, including myself, regardless of what is said on the general internet.

As DerNebel said, people play games, not ratings.

I don't want to get too into this cause being new i don't want to cause arguments but please don't give me the shtick of Nintendo games being more fun or "people that don't like them don't like fun", etc. People have fun in different ways. In fact, let me give you an example of why it's pointless to bring up fun factor:

On Eurogamer's review of Driveclub, the writer accuses the game of being "fun police". Because of certain rules that stop you from doing certain things or punish you for doing them. That's ludicrous. Fact of the matter is, the writer is the one being a "fun police". He is acting as if his perspective of fun is the only valid one. How about people who get off on actually playing by those rules, dealing with them and overcoming them better than opponents? Wouldn't that person have MORE fun, than in a game without those rules?

Fun is just one of those words that people should avoid when describing or reviewing things. Just like "soul" or "soulless".. or.. you know, the opposite of fun (boring). They do not mean the same thing to everyone.

Not everyone likes Nintendo games, and no nint games mean no games on wii u pretty much

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I like playstation for the trophies it gives more things to do after beating a game
I prefer PS games over Nintendo games and Xbox games
I'm tired of playing nintendo games... I played alot of them when I was a kid

    PS4 Game Collection



Lack of games. Its OK having half a dozen top rated Nintendo titles on your system but if thats all you have and the rest is 360 and PS3 ports (which are almost always available much cheaper on the older systems) it's not exactly screaming "buy me, buy me" is it.

I love Nintendo games, but the days are long gone where I will buy a console to play literally a handful of titles across the lifespan of the console.

Looking at it as well, I don't even know what would make me buy a Wii U at this point either. A bigger price drop might make me look but again its just the lack of games. Its been out now for well over 2 years. Where is Starfox, FZero, Metroid, Zelda, Mario Galaxy/Sunshine/64 successor, Mario RPG, Paper Mario, Pilotwings, Eternal Darkness, the list just goes on and on.

I know that one or two of these games are coming but these titles should be out from the get go, or at least with the promise that alot of them will hit during the systems infancy.

If you cant get a system out of the gate that sells on its power and fancy graphics (which to an extent the PS4 and Xbox do) then you have to sell it on software alone, something which Nintendo has failed at.

PREDICTIONS FOR END OF 2015: (Made Jan 1st 2015)

PS4 - 34M - XB1 - 21m - WII U -12M

I own both a PS4 and XB1 but not a Wii U because I care more about PS4/XB1 exclusives and like to play many multiplats on consoles. Ratings don't matter to me as half the time I don't agree with what reviewers say. I play games and not ratings. Like Driveclub which got a mediocre score, yet was one of my favourite games of last year and I've played many games.

With Nintendo games I feel like reviewers go too easy on them because I hated some of their games which got very good reviews and that's why I don't bother with them. I am interested in buying Wii U though for Bayonetta 2 and Xenoblade Chronicles X, but only when I have the time to do so as for the first half of this year I have a shitton of games to play on PS4 and XB1.

UltimateUnknown said:

So what gives?

Do these people not know about the Mario's latest expedition in 3D world, or even his 2D adventures? Mario is a creepy italian plumber I want nothing to do with him.

Do they not want to partake in the festivities of kicking the s**t out of your opponent in the next installment of Smash? Nope.

Don't they want to experience the 8th variant of Nintendo's premier Kart racing? There's Kart good enough racing on other consoles and that's enough for me as it's not my main reason for gaming.

What's stopping them from trying out the niche outings such as Boyanetta 2 and Wonderful 101? Not owning a Wii U perhaps? And those games not being enough to justufy buying one.

They even have the tried and tested Zelda (I disliked OoT, which people keep saying is the best Zelda ever, so yeah, tried, tested and disregarded) franchise to look forward to in 2015, with a little bit of Kirby thrown in the mix for good measures. Is there a question here?

And who doesn't love the look of Splatoon? Me. I like the look of Garden Warfare better.

Yet why do people insist on buying the PS4/Xbone and not the Wii U? CoD, Fifa, Dragon Age, Halo, Uncharted, Bloodborne, GTA, GT, Singstar, The Last of Us, Gears of War, Assassin's Creed (maybe not for much longer), Destiny, Shadow of Mordor, tons of indies, and the list goes on. I note that only one of the games you mention above is designed specifically for gamers over the age of 18 (Bayonetta). It simply does not appeal to the major gamer demographic any more, because the major demographic is no longer 12-18, it's 20-35. Either Nintendo hasn't realised this, or they do know this, but they are unwilling to serve a much changed market.

What is going on here? Gee whizz people have different tastes to you in gaming, who would have thought?

What can Nintendo do to bring these people over from the other camps? Ummmm completely reinvent itself, which it will never do. And really should it? It has the handheld console space totally locked up, even though it is much diminished due to mobiles. Their home console is the secondary device for them, one thay produce to stay in that market segment, but handheld is where they will always prosper best, even in the 7th gen it was DS which did best for them.

See bold.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


Sincerly, by simply skipping trash Unity, Watchdogs, BF4 and another EA crap you could afford a Wii U, and you may have both.

NNID: MagicalLight

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