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Forums - General Discussion - Say something about the person posting above you (II)

Likes to pikachus getting the stuffing beat out f them... sick moo

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wants mesoteto for mod ....

likes brawl, and bruce lee

SSBB FC: 5155 2671 4071 elgefe02: "VGChartz's Resident Raving Rabbit"   MKWii:5155-3729-0989

likes gifs

he haven't seen the sonic x anime

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Is a Cool guy, lost the closed thread post contest

"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."

Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable! You are a poor scientist. Especially if you think the moon landing was faked.

ioi + 1

he likes the ghostbusters... like me...

SSBB FC: 5155 2671 4071 elgefe02: "VGChartz's Resident Raving Rabbit"   MKWii:5155-3729-0989

Is a member of....Gail.

Doesn't know GAIL stands for the Gas Authority of India Limited.

Should maybe let someone know of that unfortunate coincidence...