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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony uses Super Smash Bros. 4 art to celebrate 20 years of PlayStation.

Well... they kind of need to copy and paste them from somewhere considering how Sony's exclusive character library is very small compared to companies such as Nintendo. Most of the characters they show are from Multiplatform games.

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ikki5 said:
Well... they kind of need to copy and paste them from somewhere considering how Sony's exclusive character library is very small compared to companies such as Nintendo. Most of the characters they show are from Multiplatform games.

You'd think that they could find a picture of Mega Man on their PS consoles if he is important enough to be on this collage lol. Otherwise, why is he even on there? 

Imaginedvl said:

Well, they had a Mega Man game so I do not see anything wrong with this. I mean what else would you expect them to do? To draw Mega Man themselves?

They just did the right thing. Taking screenshots from multiple games and putting them together for this (very nice) image.

If it was the right thing to do, why did they remove Mega Man, Croc, Braid, Gex and the others?

Ninsect said:
mysteryman said:
badgenome said:

I really doubt they did something like this out of carelessness, so it has to be a hint that Smash Bros is coming to Vita after it bombed so badly on Wii U.

Starring just Mega Man, Pac Man and Sonic

And everything else in Sony's pic

They already tried making that game...

Serious_frusting said:
Excuse sony for having characters that have been on the playstation platforman for over the last 20 years.

The version of characters does not really matter. If anything people need to stop whining and open up to the fact that sony is thr market leader and is showing people characters that they may not have ever seen.

No one said Sony was inferior, we're just saying their lazy in the instance.

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Samus Aran said:

Yeah, a remake of a franchise that was made on Wii because of the controller. Travis shouldn't be there and I spotted more out of place characters. They should've just stuck with their iconic cast like FF (has a big history on PS consoles), Crash, Spyro, Sackboy, Kratos, Nathan Drake, Jak & Daxter, Sly Cooper, Ratchet and Clank, Okami and many more. 

I don't mind that Mega Man is on there, but at least make sure you don't use his model from Super Smash Bros. lol... People would bitch about Nintendo if they released a similar picture with their cast and also showed someone like Crash Bandicoot. 

Still sounds like pointless complaining to me. How and why in the hell does this actually bother anyone?

People bitch and complain about anything and everything, like when people here were screaming for Nintendo to sue Silicon Studios because 3D Dot Game Heroes gameplay was similar to NES Zelda... -__-

Personally, I find it to be embarassing.

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I... don't get what's new here. Didn't they used a Zelda track or Nintendo showed a Vita time ago? We now Sony needs Nintendo's help despite the lack of sales of Wii U (;-;)

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Euphoria14 said:
Samus Aran said:

Yeah, a remake of a franchise that was made on Wii because of the controller. Travis shouldn't be there and I spotted more out of place characters. They should've just stuck with their iconic cast like FF (has a big history on PS consoles), Crash, Spyro, Sackboy, Kratos, Nathan Drake, Jak & Daxter, Sly Cooper, Ratchet and Clank, Okami and many more. 

I don't mind that Mega Man is on there, but at least make sure you don't use his model from Super Smash Bros. lol... People would bitch about Nintendo if they released a similar picture with their cast and also showed someone like Crash Bandicoot. 

Still sounds like pointless complaining to me. How and why in the hell does this actually bother anyone?

People bitch and complain about anything and everything, like when people here were screaming for Nintendo to sue Silicon Studios because 3D Dot Game Heroes gameplay was similar to NES Zelda... -__-

Personally, I find it to be embarassing.

I'm not complaining, I just find it humorous. And of course, this is not a big deal. 

Serious_frusting said:
the_dengle said:
Serious_frusting said:

Tell me when Nintendo have enough or have 3rd party support to have such  a promo.

Er, considering how long some of the characters in this pic have been out of commission, it clearly has no relation to current third-party support. It's a celebration of history, and as such it pulls from Playstation's entire legacy... So, actually Nintendo has more than enough third-party support to make a nice pretty picture like this. Several of the characters in this pic are first-party, anyway.

But, I don't care about Sony using a picture of Mega Man. It looks a little out of place, I think some old artwork from Mega Man X 4-8 probabl

y would have looked more consistent. But that's up to them.

Well you did not disagreeeeeeeee. To be honest your post confirmed what I already said. Artistic tastes is aother matter but to moan over designs. Over 20 years you can take your pic.

You guys realise that this most likely was contracted out to an ad agency , and they most likely wouldn't know one version from the next , and would be  look for those that fitted the template the best.

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Samus Aran said:
Captain_Tom said:
Samus Aran said:
Eddie_Raja said:
LOL big fucking deal. Megaman games have been on Playstation. If Nintendo wanted to use Solid Snake art from MGS2 they can.


Nintendo would put some effort into it. They don't need a picture to celebrate their iconic franchises, they made a whole game around it. 

Put effort into what?  They just wanted a quick collage of everyone who has been on Playstation.  So now I ask, why would you care?

Yes, they did lol. And made a total fool out of themselves in the proces! I don't care, I find it funny. Well, that's a form of caring I suppose. There's your answer. 

you do know these kind of promos are done by outside ad agencies with little knowledge of what versions what.

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot