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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Any doubt that Zelda U will be 2015 GoTY?

I think either Uncharted 4, The Witcher 3 or MGSV will take it tbh. I think TW3 has the best change of getting GOTY between those 3.

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While I am excited for it, I doubt it will even be my game of the year. I am pretty sure that I will like several games more that are coming out next year, like xenoblade!

CBR_Pilot said:
I have a reason, Nintendo games don't get game of the year. This year Bayonetta 2 scored a 91 on metacritic, and many 10 out of 10's. Many people said it was the best game they played this year, yet dragon age (which only got a 7.5 user score on metacritic, and 6.6 for Xbone) won game of the year. In 2011 skyward sword got more perfect ratings than any other game that year. IGN even gave it a 10, yet skyrim got goty, despite having lower scores and being glitchy. I'm calling it now actually, the witcher will take it, and zelda will get best action adventure.

Why would you use the actualy metacritic score for Bayo 2 and the user score for Dragon Age? And has Dragon Age won ALL GOTY awards or are you just talking about one site? Matter of fact what site gave GOTY to Dragon Age? Also with MGS V PP, Uncharted 4 and Batman coming out I am not even sure Zelda will get best action adventure game to be honest. Also even though Skyward Sword got more perfect scores the Skyrim did it actually have a higher meta I am not sure that is why I am asking. And didn't SMG1 or 2 with GOTY year or both?

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CBR_Pilot said:
I have a reason, Nintendo games don't get game of the year. This year Bayonetta 2 scored a 91 on metacritic, and many 10 out of 10's. Many people said it was the best game they played this year, yet dragon age (which only got a 7.5 user score on metacritic, and 6.6 for Xbone) won game of the year. In 2011 skyward sword got more perfect ratings than any other game that year. IGN even gave it a 10, yet skyrim got goty, despite having lower scores and being glitchy. I'm calling it now actually, the witcher will take it, and zelda will get best action adventure.

^This^            If its not a new or mature franchise it will not get the credit it deserves nintendo has to reinvent the wheel in order to win.And even then they dont, when was the last nintendo game to win game of the year ? Just look at the posts here everybody brings up halo,uncharted,mgs,batman,witcher and others yet I only see two post with that amazing looking nintendo game called X!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Zelda will be most likely be praised with 10s and 9s but will only get nominated to not look biased.Look at the scores with smash and mario kart both great games yet no nominations. Next year should at least have Zelda and X as contenders but hell will freeze over before 2 nintendo exlusives make the ballot! Just a bunch of reviewers talking out both sides of there mouths!  Also just my opinon but if crackdown makes it next year I hope it can be good enough to compete, love that franchise.

Not with that kind of competition. 2015 will be one of gaming's strongest years ever. I don't see it.

I mean Splatoon, man!

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JGarret said:
TheLastStarFighter said:
It's going to be one of the best years in gaming. Even on Wii U alone, Xenoblade may be every bit as good. No game has it on lock and I doubt there will be easy concensus. GOTY will likely come down to personal tastes.

Yeah I agree.

When was the last time we had such a good year in gaming?


Teeqoz said:
Competetion is too steep.

UC4, Bloodborne, Halo 5, Batman, Rise of the Tomb Raider, etc...

Agreed, Too many 90+ games, tbh i wouldnt be surprised to see 3-4 games get a 95+ next year. 

UC4+Bloodborne have great chances for that^ 

vivster said:
Not with that kind of competition. 2015 will be one of gaming's strongest years ever. I don't see it.

I mean Splatoon, man!

If there is any game not to expect a 90+ from, i think Splatoon fits that bill. Still early but man do i feel a SMG+Portal vibe in that single player!

2015= A HUGE YEAR For Games. 

So many good games are coming out next year that I have my doubts. I believe that it will be a good game but Game of the Year is kind of stretching it.

MGSV will be