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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Any doubt that Zelda U will be 2015 GoTY?

kinisking said:
Ljink96 said:
Zelda has that thing, that thing I can't put my finger on that gives it the possibility of getting GOTY. It will be different than any other Zelda rather than rehashed games that will be available next year. Halo 5 yeah, shoot stuff. But a lot of people will buy it and it might be a great game. Zelda seems to be the most mature game of 2015 in the sense that it seems not to dwell on past games in the series, which is always a plus in my book.

P.S.: If you are offended by my OPINION of Halo 5, why?

I'm not necessarily offended but just surprised. Shoot stuff? It's a fps for gods sake. They can't change that! THEYRES nothing wrong with shooting stuff anyways that's like making fun of cutting stuff in zelda. Halo is rehashed? Zelda is on its what 20th+ game? How is it not dwelling on past things in the series? It's the exact thing besides for the bigger open world and some new gameplay mechanics. You haven't seen halo 5 single player so you don't know the changes. Also halo 5 multi-player has some new multi-player mechanics already. BTW I like zelda more than halo just saying 

Both zelda and halo smell like old people.  I can understand why some people like those games a lot but can they be considered for GOTY? I think not. 

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RenCutypoison said:
spurgeonryan said:


After watching that video, reading the comments, and all we saw at E3 I see no reason why it would not get it.

Just my prediction. No facts, but I truly feel this will be Zelda's best!

Any homeconsole zelda that wasn't goty since majora's mask ?

According to GOTY Blog:

Wind Waker came in second after Knights of the Old Republic
Twilight Princess came in third after Oblivion and Gears of War
Skyward Sword came in a distant fifth place after Skyrim, Portal 2, Arkham City and Uncharted 3

Every main seires Zelda since Majora's Mask has failed to top the GOTY awards.

There are both endogenous and exogenous reasons why it might not. First is simply that Nintendo doesn't quite deliver, second is that Zelda U is everything anyone ever wanted from a Zelda game, but Witcher 3, Uncharted 4, Halo 5, or whoever else is that much better still. Despite my Nintendo bias, i know that the consensus opinion could easily swing away.

Or be a case where there is no clear cut winner.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

i have a lot of doubts with names... Bloodborne, Uncharted, The Witcher, Metal Gear Solid V the Phantom Pain.

would like to add Halo but i havent seen enough of it to be honest

As plenty others have said, there's many, many good games out next year. More than in any previous year for quite a while actually. No game has this on lock yet, but considering how these things usually go I'll say Zelda's chances aren't the best of the bunch.

Metal Gear Solid, Uncharted, The Witcher, Batman and Zelda should be the ones with the most chance. I don't think Halo will take it. We'll see.

Personally, of course Zelda will be my game of the year, I can say that already. It's Zelda, that goes by default! Uncharted would most likely have been it if it released in any other year though.

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No, Xenoblade Cross would be the GOTY 2015…....…. At least on Nintendo consoles XD.

PSN ID: xwolf7 / NNID: xwolf_07 

  The Wonderful 101 GOTY 2013 - Bayonetta 2 GOTY 2014 - Xenoblade Cross GOTY 2015.







In a year with such steep competition, and with it likely to not have voice acting and get lambasted for it, I suspect it will not be most critic's choice for GOTY.

As for me, my GOTY will probably be Xenoblade Chronicles X.

bouzane said:
RenCutypoison said:

Any homeconsole zelda that wasn't goty since majora's mask ?

According to GOTY Blog:

Wind Waker came in second after Knights of the Old Republic
Twilight Princess came in third after Oblivion and Gears of War
Skyward Sword came in a distant fifth place after Skyrim, Portal 2, Arkham City and Uncharted 3

Every main seires Zelda since Majora's Mask has failed to top the GOTY awards.

My bad then. Wind waker should have made it though.

No doubt. The best franchise ever and the one with the most quality ever.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

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