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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony proves Vita lives on - 16 Vita games announced at PSX

I'm very happy for the Vita, it's finally getting the attention it deserves.

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vita is getting more 'no gaemz'


kupomogli said:
V-r0cK said:
What happened to Gravity Rush 2????

It's being cancelled on the Vita and ported with 50% more content to the PS4.  No word on whether this is true or not, but more than likely it is.

If true that'd be great news as I'd love to play it on the big screen.  I hope they can also port the first game to the PS4 as well, but I feel bad for other Vita owners that were hoping for the sequel to come out for the Vita also, so I hope they can release a PS4 and Vita version together.

Ninsect said:

Yeah I'm excited for the remakes because I haven't played them. Well, I did play about half of Grim Fandango but stopped for some reason.

Let me guess: It's the controls. The keyboard controls for GF were outright terrible. For GF LucasArts ditched the mouse controls which they had refined over the years which caused a worldwide uproar among the fans. The only bad part of an otherwise outstanding game.

Grim Fandango and Day of the Tentacle (which imo is even better than GF) are the pinnacle of point&click adventure gaming, timeless classics. I'm very thankful that Sony fund the remakes, so that Sony fans can play them on PSV or PS4 and all other interested people on PC.

I gotta admit, as a vita owner I'm very happy with these games. I understand why some are not, but I am.

I have had realistic expectations about the vita after the release and terrible numbers of both Tearaway and Killzone: Mercenaries. Sony released several high-quality and well-known franchises on the vita and it failed to attract a strong enough audience. It, nonetheless, has a core base willing to buy new games.

I respect Sony for not calling it quits and instead supporting the system as much as it makes business sense to them. Because let's face it, Sony should be focusing their efforts on ps4 with AAA titles which is selling extremely well and can help the company. All the vita can do at this point is make Sony some small profit and such ports/mulitplats don't cost them much and are thus perfect for the vita's situation.

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Bastion should be pretty damn cool on Vita. Just never felt right playing it on the PC.

Im really looking forward to Suikoden 1/2 on Vita. Should be a fun playthrough.

Now just release Suikoden 3 PS2 classic on PS3 so we can keep the saved data flowing!

okr said:
Ninsect said:

Yeah I'm excited for the remakes because I haven't played them. Well, I did play about half of Grim Fandango but stopped for some reason.

Let me guess: It's the controls. The keyboard controls for GF were outright terrible. For GF LucasArts ditched the mouse controls which they had refined over the years which caused a worldwide uproar among the fans. The only bad part of an otherwise outstanding game.

Grim Fandango and Day of the Tentacle (which imo is even better than GF) are the pinnacle of point&click adventure gaming, timeless classics. I'm very thankful that Sony fund the remakes, so that Sony fans can play them on PSV or PS4 and all other interested people on PC.

Yeah I guess I can blame the controls. I also blame myself because I do this with a lot of games even though I enjoy them. I have a problem with finishing games, especially if they are relatively long like GF. It's pretty great that they didn't change Grim Fandango much except update the presentation a bit and add controller support.

The One and Only

Gravity Rush 2??? :(

People cream themselves over Xenoblade Chronicles finally being portable. Then moan when equally great games finally become portable because they are ports. This forum is hilarious for the double standards.

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.

Ninsect said:
Wright said:
GribbleGrunger said:

Yep. People want games on the consoles/handhelds they own and don't give a damn if you can play that game elsewhere. For instance, I don't care if 90% of all the games on the PS4 can be played on the XB1/PC because I don't own those systems ...

That's why this argument is and always has been stupid.

You don't give a damn if you can play that game elsewhere, but you would give a damn if a game you want can't be played on the console you have.


That's a huge reason why people buy an especific console: to play its exclusives. Otherwise, why didn't people bother buying a Gamecube or a Xbox back in its day? They were more powerful consoles than Ps2, that's a fact.

Let's just say that Vita's lineup is good news for current owners but it won't get many to buy a Vita for the games. It keeps current owners very happy though

And doesn't grab any new owners though, the point of a business is to sell and acquire more and more customers instead of deliberately trying to keep a small number of customers, I wanted a Vita originally but the severe lack of exclusives, high console and memeory price and lack of features put me off it entirely, this isn't even a selling point to me and my friend who owns both a Vita and 3DS is still playing his PC/3DS more than the Vita of his that's been collecting dust.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.